- For his Earth-2 counterpart, see Adrian Chase (Earth-2).
- For the Earth-X version of Prometheus, see Tommy Merlyn (Earth-X).
- "You won. Your son has his father back, and he learned exactly who his father was, just like you learned who your father was right here... on these very same waters. William's younger than you were, so he's gonna be fine, you know? And you have each other. Which is good. Oliver, that's good, because it's gonna be lonely... without Mom and Felicity."
- — Adrian Chase's final words to Oliver Queen
Simon Morrison (born April 21 2359–May 17, 2390), known under the alias Adrian Chase, is a male Human who lives in the 24th century who is the former district attorney of Star City and a former close collaborator/friend of Oliver Queen as mayor, helping him in cleaning up the streets through the legal system. In reality, Adrian was the serial killer who was calling himself Prometheus, and not only knew that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow, but had a personal vendetta against him as well. Having lost his father 11 years ago at the hands of the Hood, Adrian desired retribution, and spent his time afterwards studying the Hood's skills and history, while also uncovering Oliver's true identity as the Green Arrow. In his alter-ego, Prometheus crusaded against the Green Arrow in order to destroy the vigilante's life and legacy. He had also been labeled by the media as the "Throwing Star Killer" for murdering people whose names formed anagrams of individuals on the List using shurikens made from Oliver's discarded arrows as a form of sending a twisted message to him.
Eventually, Chase was defeated by Oliver where he was temporarily taken into custody by A.R.G.U.S.. After a short time spent in a glass walled prison, he managed to escape to Lian Yu. After facing off with Oliver in battle once again, he was defeated but he died by suicide in time triggering the detonator which in turn set off all of the hidden bombs situated throughout the island.
Early life[]

Simon as a baby
Simon was born on April 21 2359 to Justin Claybourne and an unnamed woman with the surname Morrison who would later change her name to Amanda Westfield. Little else is known of his earlier life but he apparently grew up to be a psychopath according to his father's lawyer.
In 2370 Simon met Oliver Queen when Oliver successfully tried to pick up his girlfriend.
Preparing for his crusade[]
In late 2378, Simon's father was murdered by the Hood, and so he sought vengeance upon the elusive vigilante. Dropping off the grid completely and erasing all traces of his existence from the internet, and changing his name to "Adrian Chase", Adrian researched his target and learned everything he could about him. In his research, Adrian discovered the identity of his target as Oliver Queen and obsessively studied him, learning everything he could about him and his allies. In his research he became aware of the existence of The List, a book of Starling City individuals with ties to Malcolm Merlyn, which included Adrian's father who Oliver had targeted. This led to Adrian believing that Oliver was really a serial killer and his righteous crusade was a lie to justify a killing spree, and therefore poisons the lives of those he cares for, and swore to make him suffer. At some point he met and fell in love with a woman named Doris, who later became his wife.
In early 2381, after learning much about Oliver's life, Adrian sought out Oliver's former mentor Talia al Ghul to learn the ways of the League of Assassins. Impressed that Adrian deduced Oliver's identity on his own, Talia accepted his request, as she was now equally vengeful towards Oliver as he had killed her own father Ra's al Ghul. Through Talia, Adrian also learned more about Oliver's past including his activities on Lian Yu, in Hong Kong and in Russia. He also became aware of Oliver's son William Clayton. Presumably through his affiliation with Talia and her own resources Adrian also became aware of the existence of time travel and the multiverse. He also became aware of Team Flash's pipeline prison and the Waverider indicating that he is aware the identities of Barry Allen/The Flash and the Legends led by Sara Lance/White Canary.
After acquiring the skills needed from Talia, Adrian armed himself with an array of weapons forged from The Hood's discarded arrows kept in the Star City SCIS Department evidence lockup. Adrian also began using a suit strikingly similar to Oliver's suit from his days as the Hood, but with darker colors and with a full face mask, adopting the name "Prometheus". Adrian chose that name because of Prometheus' role in Greek mythology in taking away power from the judge, jury and executioner gods. After Oliver became mayor Adrian became a lawyer and eventually succeeded Wallace as District Attorney of Star City to get become personally acquainted with Oliver and keep closer tabs on him. Adrian was building a case against Derek Sampson with the intent of flipping the drug dealer so he'd give up the names of his suppliers.
First victim[]
Beginning his crusade[]

Prometheus before killing Lieutenant Conahan
Five months following Damien Darhk's death, Adrian began his crusade by targeting individuals in Star City whose names formed anagrams to other names on The List. His first target was Lieutenant Conahan. When Conahan was leaving the SCIS precinct, he noticed Prometheus on the rooftop. Mistaking him for Green Arrow, Conahan asked if he could help him, but was shot by an arrow. Conahan painfully tried to shoot back, but Prometheus dodged his shots, leaped to the ground and threw a shuriken to disarm him. As Conahan tried to flee, Prometheus threw a knife into his leg, knocking the cop down. As Conahan desperately tried to crawl away, Prometheus slowly walked up to him, sword in hand, and, when asked if he was Green Arrow, coldly replied that he wasn't and killed him.
Conflict with Tobias Church[]

Prometheus threatening Church
A few nights later, Adrian learned of Green Arrow's encounter with crime lord Tobias Church amidst his illegal deal with AmerTek Industries, where he almost killed Green Arrow. In response, Prometheus stalked Church and as he left Club XLR8, and killed his two bodyguards. While Church mistook him for the Green Arrow and laughed in amusement, Prometheus threw an axe into Church's shoulder, leaped to the ground and slammed Church into the pavement. Prometheus angrily told Church he was aware of the latter's attempt to kill the Green Arrow. He told Church that the vigilante is his to kill and if Church ever tried to do it again, the crime lord would die as well.

Adrian meeting Oliver
After learning that Oliver's ally Rene Ramirez supposedly killed Derek Sampson, Adrian went to confront Oliver about it (officially becoming acquainted with him) and told him about what happened to Sampson. After Sampson turned out to be alive, Adrian asked for Oliver to get Judge Pittson to allow Adrian to obtain a warrant to search his known hideouts. After he agreed, Adrian told Oliver about the first time they met, when Oliver picked up his girlfriend, but he ironically reassured Oliver that he doesn't hold grudges. Later, Green Arrow and his new team apprehended Sampson which pleased Adrian as he informed Oliver and Thea of this.

Adrian discussing the vigilante problem with Oliver, Thea, and Quentin
A few days later, during a meeting at the mayor's office, Adrian met the new deputy mayor Quentin Lance and said that working for him would be a pleasure. While Quentin was surprised Adrian told him that he doesn't blame Quentin for working with Darhk, as he had threatened his daughter Laurel. He explained public service wasn't easy and that, sometimes, getting a little dirty was inevitable in order to clean it up. When Team Arrow apprehended Sergio Espinoza, an associate of Tobias Church, and stole a package from Palmer Technologies, Adrian and Quentin personally delivered it to the SCIS evidence locker. The evidence instead turned out to be a disguised bomb, causing an explosion that allowed Church and his men to infiltrate and steal weapons from the evidence locker.

Adrian intimidating Espinoza
Later that night, Adrian interrogated Espinoza at the Anti-Crime Unit headquarters, threatening to beat the information out of him due to Espinoza's refusal to talk. Initially, Espinoza didn't take Adrian's threat seriously due to his position as a District Attorney, but Adrian reminded him that justice in Star City is dealt by vigilantes. Before the interrogation could go further, Church and his men attacked the ACU and killed several of the guards all while trapping Adrian and Espinoza inside the building. Suddenly, Ragman appeared and planted a bomb on the wall, and as he absorbed the ensuing explosion, Mr. Terrific, Red Arrow, Wild Dog and Artemis emerged from the hole that was created. The team escorted Adrian and the other ACU members out of the building to safety. Later, Adrian informed Quentin and Thea of the incident but hadn't been able to find Wild Dog, who had been kidnapped during the attack. Adrian then told them that he'd re-evaluated his view on vigilantes and started to trust Team Arrow more.
Angry that Church had ignored his warnings and kidnapped Wild Dog, Prometheus confronted Church. When Prometheus attempted to kill with an arrow, Church's bodyguard protected from the attack. Prometheus reminded Church this is his second warning and he wouldn't be given a third before leaving.
After Church was arrested following his defeat by Green Arrow and being transferred to Iron Heights, Prometheus attacked the convoy of shuttles escorting him. After slaughtering the escorting officers, he confronted Church in the shuttle. Church futilely tried to plead for his life by telling him Green Arrow's identity: Oliver Queen, unaware Prometheus already knew. When Church asked if they were cool, Prometheus threw a shuriken into his neck and killed him, and replied that they were, then left the scene of his slaughter.
War with Team Arrow[]
With Green Arrow now aware of his existence after being informed by Church prior to his death, Prometheus lured him, Red Arrow and Spartan to a construction site, using Church's communicator to lure them out. After they tracked the communicator, Prometheus called it, heavily breathing into the communicator, as Green Arrow answered. He then ignited a message on the ground, "SO IT BEGINS".

Prometheus kills Gay Eked
From there, Prometheus continued killing civilians to form more anagrams of individuals on the List including Peter Meld and Gay Eked. Their names, along with Conahan and Church's, all spelled out anagrams of Green Arrow's previous victims: Adam Hunt, Ted Gaynor, Palmer Cokes and Sachi Beech. Adrian later went to the scene of Gay's murder where he "met" Green Arrow and told him everything he knew about the victims, Green Arrow oblivious that his target was speaking to him.

Prometheus facing Artemis
Later Susan Williams reported on Prometheus' killings on the news which Adrian told Oliver was a disaster. After Susan dubbed him the "Throwing Star Killer", Adrian admitted to a annoyed Oliver that it had a "certain flare" to it. Finding more six more potential victims after discovering Prometheus' pattern, Team Arrow sent a member to each one. Prometheus went after a train driver but was confronted by Artemis. They entered into a duel where Artemis managed to cut Prometheus' right arm, before Green Arrow came to Artemis' rescue, shooting an arrow into his back. Instantly recognizing it as an explosive arrow, Prometheus threw it onto the roof where it exploded and Prometheus escaped through the hole made, but left a bomb which blew up the train, though Green Arrow and Artemis ultimately escaped with the train driver. Later, Prometheus sneaked into Quentin Lance's apartment and left a cut on his right arm, while he was passed out from alcoholism, just like the cut Artemis gave Prometheus, and left a shuriken to implicate him.

Prometheus meeting with Artemis
Sometime after Prometheus' encounter with Artemis he sought her out, after deducing her identity as Evelyn Sharp. Prometheus manipulated her into betraying Oliver, as Evelyn had become resentful of him after learning he was the Hood, who'd murdered several people she knew, promising to let her watch when he finally killed Green Arrow. Recruiting Evelyn to his cause allowed Prometheus to learn the identities of every Team Arrow member, as well as information on their personal lives including loved ones. While trying to find bank robber Eric Dunn before the elusive Vigilante did, Adrian interrogated his arrested associate Laura Buser. However, she simply told him to go to hell to which he gave a cold stare and replied that he'd been to hell, and slammed his hand into her mask to intimidate her, and so she gave up Eric's location. As Adrian told Oliver that Eric was hiding out at Papp Motel and Oliver went to inform the ACU while Adrian secured a warrant to search the area. Later after Team Arrow defeated Vigilante, Prometheus met Artemis alone on a rooftop, where she assured him she wasn't followed and told him that Team Arrow didn't suspect her true allegiance.

Prometheus breaking Black Siren out
In December 2389, Prometheus went to Central City, where he broke into S.T.A.R. Labs without setting off any alarms and freed Laurel Lance/Black Siren, the Earth-2 doppelgänger of Laurel Lance/Black Canary, to impersonate her Earth-1 counterpart to taunt Oliver. Grateful for freeing her Laurel agreed to serve him and to maintain her cover, Prometheus told her vital information on Earth One Laurel's life. He also informed her of the Waverider and the Legends, so Laurel could use the cover story that Sara transported her to this time after visiting Sara on the Waverider, and transported her to the present. While Laurel was reluctant to aid him after learning that one of Adrian's targets was Quentin, the Earth One counterpart of her father, he promised to spare him in exchange for her obedience and she complied. Team Flash would be unaware of the breakout for almost 3 days.
First encounter with Green Arrow[]

Prometheus sharpening his weapons
During Christmas, Prometheus, while sharpening his weapons in his hideout, was approached by Evelyn with photographs and addresses of Felicity Smoak and Rory Regan. Evelyn then asked Prometheus to be there when he killed Oliver, but Prometheus stated that he didn't intend to kill Oliver, only to make him wish he was dead. Prometheus later attacked Curtis Holt at the mayor's Christmas party and his husband, Paul, effortlessly defeating him and injecting him with the drug, Dycloseral, making Oliver and Team Arrow aware that he knew their secret identities.

Prometheus fighting Green Arrow
At Claybourne Pharmaceuticals, Prometheus confronted Green Arrow and engaged him in a battle, managing to hold his own for a bit and showing off a technique Talia had taught them both. Suddenly, Wild Dog shot his katana out of his hand, causing Artemis to intervene and reveal her true allegiance. As Green Arrow and Wild Dog stood in shock, Artemis fired a smoke arrow to cover her and Prometheus' escape. While investigating Claybourne Pharmaceuticals, Detective Billy Malone discovered a photograph of a baby and sent it to Felicity, before Prometheus apprehended Billy. Adrian later told Oliver of Billy's abduction and insisted that the ACU have a shoot to kill order placed on Prometheus which Oliver agreed to. Tracking Prometheus to the AK Desmond Group, where Oliver killed Claybourne, Green Arrow discovered that Prometheus had staged the hallways with bodies to recreate the scene of Oliver's victims he'd killed when pursuing Claybourne before confronting Prometheus in the exact spot in which he killed Claybourne. Prometheus asked if the Green Arrow had even hesitated when he killed him, or he was merely another name on the List, but as Green Arrow told him he was there if he wanted revenge, Prometheus replied that his crusade was about so much more than simple revenge.

Prometheus confronted by Green Arrow
They engaged in a fight before landing crashing into one of the building's floors. Secretly over a wireless speaker, Prometheus told Green Arrow that he knows everything about him and is going to show him and everyone else that everything he touches dies. Having dressed Billy Malone in his suit beforehand, Prometheus managed to trick Green Arrow into killing him in order to prove his point, telling him over the wireless speaker, attached to Billy, that everyone he loved would die. Imitating Lyla Michael's voice Adrian called Diggle and tricked him into returning to the safe-house his family were staying in, and tipped off the SCIS which allowed them to recapture him. After this, Prometheus sent Laurel to impersonate her Earth One counterpart, roughly 3 days after breaking her out of S.T.A.R. Labs.
Working with Black Siren[]

Prometheus meeting with Black Siren
Not long after, Laurel's cover was blown, prompting her to meet up with Prometheus to discuss their next move. Prometheus was angered with her failure, to which Laurel wondered why she couldn't have just killed Team Arrow. In response, Prometheus furiously tackled the meta-human. Choking Laurel's throat tight enough to prevent her from using her sonic scream against him, Prometheus reminded Laurel that her freedom and life were contingent on following his orders. Terrified, Black Siren agreed and fell back in line.
Adrian was later called to Oliver's office where he informed him of John's arrest, as he'd been wrongfully imprisoned for illegal arms dealing of a nuclear trigger, set up his superior General J.G. Walker, and wanted Adrian to represent him. Adrian was initially skeptical but agreed. Adrian visited John and told him he was representing him but as Walker appeared to transport John into custody, he insisted to Adrian that Walker would simply falsify an excuse to kill him to cover his tracks. Adrian then tried to delay Walker with various regulations but Walker told Adrian he had the Attorney General on speed dial, and threatened to have him disbarred unless John was placed in his custody within 24 hours.

Prometheus and Green Arrow facing off again
Later Black Siren escaped Team Arrow's custody and Prometheus went to meet up with her. Encountering Ragman, he quickly knocked him out before confronting Green Arrow, which lead to another fight between the two. Green Arrow threw a drugged-dart at Prometheus before firing a cable-arrow at him, hoping to restrain and finally capture him. Instead Prometheus shrugged off the drug and reacted quick enough for the cable to wrap around his arm rather than his whole body as intended. Breaking the cables with his sword, Prometheus told the archer he had a tolerance to the drug and they continued their fight. After seeing Felicity being confronted by Black Siren, Prometheus tauntingly told him to choose between him or Felicity, concluding the ordeal by kicking Green Arrow through a wooden wall, to where Black Siren and Felicity were, before escaping as Black Siren was captured again.
[[File:Adrian asks Diggle to punch him.png|thumb|250px|Adrian asking John to punch him To ensure John wasn't placed in prison, Adrian told John to punch him and pretended to try and fight back as his guards restrained him, having instructed them to, as Walker saw this happen. Adrian then reminded him that if a prisoner committed an offence against the District Attorney within his jurisdiction, he could personally oversee the matter and reminded Walker it "could take a while". This allowed Adrian to delay John's transportation into Walker's custody by one week. Adrian discovered from a friend at the Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service they were investigating Walker including his involvement with the nuke, but Walker's associates made sure the information remained classified and beyond Adrian's reach. Later, Adrian received the SCIS's case against Walker from an anonymous source, and after sending it to a judge pleaded for a motion to dismiss, and was able to get John released on bail.

Adrian quickly recovering
Oliver later held a conference to make John's exoneration public and to commend Adrian's actions. Susan Williams hoped to get an exclusive on Billy Malone's death, though Adrian told her he had no comment as he'd told the other reporters. After a gunman attacked City Hall and shot Adrian, he was taken to hospital but recovered quickly, though Doris was concerned about his well-being and tried unsuccessfully to convince him to take some more rest instead of come immediately back to work. After discovering the shooter as James Edlund, a man who had lost his family to a mall shooting years before, Adrian discussed people's rights to wield firearms with Oliver. Though skeptical to allow civilians to have easier access to firearms, Oliver eventually agreed with Adrian and after much discussion with councilwoman Emily Pollard adjusted the firearms law, allowing people better protection.
Attacking the Queen administration[]

Adrian informing Oliver about a cover-up of Billy's death
After Oliver visited Adrian's mother Amanda, asking her for the name of her son, Adrian sent a letter to SCIS Captain Frank Pike containing the autopsy report for Detective Malone's true cause of death. As a result, Pike ordered the Anti-Crime Unit to arrest Green Arrow for Billy's death. Adrian was later present when Oliver and Quentin tried to convince Pike that the Green Arrow was innocent, though he initially refused to listen as he'd still killed a member of ACU. Despite this, Oliver was successful in getting Pike to stop his pursuit after talking sense into him. After this, Adrian leaked the mayor's office's role in covering up Billy's death to the media which was then broadcasted by Channel 52 News, in order to end Oliver's administration as mayor.
Discrediting Green Arrow[]

Adrian offering resignation to Oliver
Adrian offered his letter of resignation in order to take full responsibility for the cover up, but Oliver denied his request and instead insisted that Adrian represent him as his lawyer at the hearing. While Adrian agreed, he reminded Oliver that the circumstances would call for someone to take the fall. At the hearing, Adrian and Oliver watched as the coroner confessed to filing a false report on Billy's death to Councilman Collins, and as Captain Pike told them of Oliver's vouching for the Green Arrow. After the first stage of the hearing, Oliver, Typhuss, Thea, Quentin and Detective Dinah Drake left for the office, though their shuttle was attacked by Vigilante which left them all injured. Adrian gave his reassurances to delay the hearing in light of the attack, while making Oliver accept medical treatment as he'd declined. Adrian confronted Dinah as she'd found a broken piece of Vigilante's visor and offered to take it back to the precinct for her.

Prometheus confronts Vigilante

Adrian reports sighting of Vigilante
Later, Prometheus encountered Vigilante on a rooftop, presumably using the tech from the visor to find him, and warned him that Oliver was his to take down, though Vigilante stated he would kill him first and they came to conflict. Prometheus, clearly being the superior combatant, overpowered Vigilante and forced him off the rooftop, though somehow Vigilante survived and fled. Unmasking, Adrian then called 911 and informed them of a Vigilante sighting. Later Adrian talked to Pike over the various vigilante sightings and if they were simply delaying Star City's inevitable fate, though Adrian reminded him that delaying the inevitable was part of their job. As he kept Pike busy with small talk, he slipped the piece of Vigilante's visor back to Dinah.

Adrian approaching Susan Williams
At Oliver's office, Adrian offered to take the fall for everything, but Oliver refused to accept this, though Adrian reminded him that someone needed to be discredited or Oliver would lose his job. Instead, Oliver decided to offer up the Green Arrow. Adrian stood by Oliver, Thea,, Typhuss, Quentin and Dinah as he gave a speech to the public discrediting Green Arrow with the murder of Billy Malone. Afterwards, Adrian informed Oliver that after his speech Collins has ruled against ending Oliver's administration. Oliver immensely thanked Adrian for this and Adrian reassured Oliver that he didn't do it just because he was his boss, but because he was a friend. Later, Adrian confronted Susan and told her he supposedly had an exclusive for her, sickly joking that it was a "matter of life and death".
Final endgame[]
Discovered by Team Arrow[]

Adrian discreetly taunting Oliver
After confronting Susan he kidnapped her and held her in an abandoned hotel rigged with explosives. Prometheus then filmed her tied to a chair and tearfully screaming in fear, as he held a knife to her throat, tauntingly telling her to scream for him again. Anticipating that Team Arrow would use his mother against him as leverage, Adrian had Amanda relocated and left the film of him and Susan playing on a continuous loop for Team Arrow to find. Adrian was later informed by Talia that Oliver was aware of his true identity as she had told him to make him suffer, though Adrian was glad Oliver now finally knew. As Adrian was in a board meeting discussing the drug trade Oliver returned though Adrian discreetly taunted him about his inability to confront him, asking if he's "been asleep this whole time",
Later Green Arrow confronted Adrian in a parking garage, firing several arrows a window in a failed attempt to intimidate him, but Adrian was disappointed that Green Arrow wanted to arrest him instead of kill him. However Green Arrow firmly told him he wasn't going to kill him if only that's what he wanted him to do. Adrian then told Oliver her had Susan hostage but warned him that if he dies or doesn't get back in time, Susan will die of starvation and dehydration, nor was he concerned with the idea of torture as it would have the same results. Powerless Green Arrow let Adrian go as he pridefully taunted him that he was 10 steps a head of a game Green Arrow still didn't understand and laughed as he left the scene.
[[File:Adrian reminds Quentin and Rene they can't harm him.png|thumb|250px|Adrian taunting Quentin and Rene]] Later Adrian ran into Quentin and Rene, also now aware, and told them he liked it better with them knowing who he is now. While they promised to kill him Adrian taunted them by reminding that threatening a city official was a felony and that he was only getting started with his plans, and reminded them to get back to work leaving them powerless to do anything. Anticipating that Oliver would try to use Doris as leverage Adrian tipped the ESU and they arrived in time to confront Green Arrow, and stopped him from getting near Doris. Adrian later attended a press conference to inform the public of Green Arrow's "attempted kidnapping" of Doris as retaliation for his recent "crimes". Because of this Oliver was forced to publicly "order" Green Arrow to be brought in within 24 hours, or the SCIS would hunt him down. However this was also a discreet threat to Adrian himself.

Adrian threatened by Oliver
After somehow learning that Oliver gave information on his original identity to Captain Pike, Adrian approached him disguised as a homeless man and stabbed him putting him in a coma. Adrian visited Pike in hospital as Oliver arrived who promised that he would kill Adrian as soon as Susan was found. Adrian wasn't threatened by his words and reminded Oliver that if he died Susan would be dead too, as much as Moira, Tommy, Shado are, and taunted him that one more loss may just destroy him but taunted Oliver that if he killed him, then he'd only really be killing himself and losing any sanity he has left.

Adrian facing off against Green Arrow
After Team Arrow finally located Susan's location Prometheus was waiting for Green Arrow and he unmasked and noted that he was glad that knew as he preferred it face to face. While Green Arrow threatened to keep them inside until the entire building exploded Adrian deactivated the bombs. However Adrian was caught off guard when Spartan arrived with Doris and exposed his identity to her, proving Adrian really is not ten steps ahead. Despite her attempts to reason with him Adrian told her he will stop but stabs her to protect his secret and continue his vendetta. Green Arrow attacks him in anger and the two begin to fight. After a heated battle that ended in a draw Adrian told Green Arrow neither would kill the other. Oliver said he could kill Chase but before he could even try, Talia injected him with a tranquilizer arrow and the two kidnapped Green Arrow, taking him to an unknown location.

Adrian threatening Quentin and Susan
Adrian later returned to the precinct as Quentin was escorting Susan in for a statement, giving his "sympathies" for her as Quentin threatened him again. However Adrian asked him not to threaten him as he was in mourning, as Green Arrow "killed" Doris, though Quentin and Susan swiftly saw through his lies. However Adrian also reminded them he had Oliver and threatened Quentin and Susan that if they tried anything, he'd send Oliver back to them in pieces. While Susan did still give a statement to the SCIS Adrian had an airtight alibi so they didn't believe her and Adrian's cover remained intact.

Adrian preparing to subject Oliver to torture
In Oliver's holding cell Adrian watched Oliver futility trying to reason with Talia who then told Adrian to make him suffer, which he happily agreed to. As Oliver promised Adrian his friends would find him but Adrian simply reminded Oliver yet again that he wasn't going to kill him. He then told Oliver that he'd confessed to Susan while in captivity that Oliver had helped him discover who he truly was, and promised to help do the same for him before subjecting him to torture.
Torturing Oliver[]

Adrian torturing Oliver
Adrian held Oliver captive and tortured him, trying to make him confess what Adrian believed to be the real reason for his killings: that he did it simply because he wanted to, using his father's wishes as justification. However Oliver didn't know what Adrian wanted and Adrian tortured him for 6 days trying to get the answer. On the 6th day Adrian held him underwater for 140 seconds, the same amount of time it took for Adrian's father to drown. When Oliver didn't "confess", Adrian resumed the torture. When Oliver regained consciousness Adrian planted photos of Oliver's victims, but as Oliver reminded Adrian they all had victims themselves, Adrian further pointed out they also had families and they all suffered because of him. He also reminded him of a memorable victim, Count Vertigo, who Oliver had killed to save Felicity 10 years ago, and he let Oliver know the Count's true name Cecil Adams.

Adrian firing arrows into Oliver in retribution
When Oliver still didn't know what to "confess", Adrian fired three arrows into him, just like he had done to Count Vertigo 10 years prior. After pulling out the arrows, Adrian showed Oliver a pair of Felicity's glasses, having sneaked into her apartment without her knowing, to taunt him. He then showed him a picture of his son, William Clayton, and while Adrian admitted that he didn't know where William was, he promised Oliver that he would find him eventually, unless he "confessed". Afterwards, Adrian returned with Evelyn to deceive Oliver by pitting them against each other, promising to let the survivor go or he'd break Evelyn's neck, before leaving to tend to other business. When he returned he was disappointed to see that Oliver hadn't even tried, and Adrian pretended to break Evelyn's neck as she acted dead to horrify Oliver.

Adrian pretending to break Evelyn's neck
Returning, Adrian intensely taunted Oliver, telling him of his belief that everything: the List, the Hood and his heroic crusade; were all just an excuse for why he truly killed. Finally, Oliver cracked, angrily admitting that he had in fact killed because he liked it. Pleased, Adrian mused that he'd made him confess the one secret he wouldn't even admit to himself, as Evelyn dropped her facade and agreed with him. Adrian told Oliver that he was right, that he infected every life he touched as his crusade was based on a lie, resulting in a price, namely the death of his loved ones, and that the still-living John and Felicity would eventually pay it too.

Adrian burning Oliver's tattoo
As a reminder of the six days of torture, Adrian took a blowtorch to Oliver's chest to burn away his Bratva tattoo. Before doing so Adrian reflected that Oliver must have done something extraordinary to have earned a captain rank in the Bratva, and how the burned tattoo would now serve as a reminder of his confession. As Oliver tearfully tried to apologize, Adrian accepted the apology but informed Oliver he simply didn't care before burning away the tattoo, causing Oliver to pass out from the pain. Adrian then left while Oliver was unconscious, returning his uniform and equipment and leaving the door open as promised.
Exposed to the public[]

Adrian tempts Oliver into killing him in broad daylight
The next day Adrian visited Oliver in his office, thanking him for "granting him leave" to mourn for Doris' death while Quentin angrily threatened him. When both were alone Adrian gave Oliver a knife and presented an ultimatum; to either kill him as Oliver Queen in broad daylight, as he couldn't reach him as Green Arrow now that he was in protective custody since Green Arrow "murdered" Doris, or let him go knowing there is nothing he can do. Ultimately Oliver declined Adrian's offer, much to his disappointment, and told him to keep the knife as he left. Later Adrian's protective custody escort was attacked by Bratva agents hired by Oliver previously but Team Arrow intervened and Adrian used this chance to escape. While he was briefly confronted by Curtis he swiftly overpowered him, tauntingly asking how Paul was, before Curtis was forced to flee.

Adrian after murdering his bodyguards and evading capture
In light of the Bratva attack SCIS decided to transport Adrian into Starfleet custody and asked Oliver for his approval. Unable to decline without arousing suspicion Oliver agreed and told Adrian, despite his insistence otherwise, that nothing was more important to him than his safety. Before Adrian was transferred he quietly expressed amusement at what Oliver did but Oliver quietly promised that they weren't done and Adrian was transported into custody of the Federation Starfleet. Later as Adrian was writing while in protective custody, he heard his bodyguards receive a message and somehow immediately deduced he'd been exposed. He swiftly threw his pen into one guard's eye before strangling the other to death. With his secret identity exposed and his plans ruined by this setback, Adrian repeatedly stabbed the first guard to death viciously in frustration and left the safe-house. As Adrian was flying down the street in a shuttle, watching the convoy of SCIS officers going to arrest him fly right past him, he whistled to the radio as he made his way back to Star City, still splattered with blood.

Adrian meeting William
After arriving back to Star City he lured Team Arrow and the SCIS to a video game arcade but rigged all the attractions with weapons and rigged one of them to display an image of Prometheus and the words "GAME OVER". Somehow Adrian caused an EMP explosion in the Arrowcave which left Oliver and Felicity trapped for sometime forcing Team Arrow to focus on getting them out. While they were distracted, Adrian tracked down Oliver's son William and told him he knew his father and presumably kidnapped him. Because of Adrian's exposure to the public as a serial killer all convicts he detained were released after retrial which including Sampson. Adrian soon enlisted Sampson's aid to seemingly recreate his father's tuberculosis outbreak by having him steal the chemicals required.

Prometheus fighting Green Arrow
While having Sampson obtain these chemicals Adrian distracted Team Arrow while also ruining Oliver's memory of his father by sending a crate containing the encased body of Councilman Henry Goodwin which exposed Robert's role in his death to the public. Anticipating that Oliver would confirm the origin of the cement encasing Goodwin's body came from Oliver Enterprises, Adrian rigged one of the hallways as traps which Oliver, Typhuss and Diggle fell into. Falling into a secret room Adrian set up raw cement to flood the room and kill them in the same manner Goodwin died, though Dinah and Curtis were able to save them at the cost of Sampson obtaining more chemicals for Adrian's plan. Anticipating that Oliver would seek out Claybourne's lawyer Darren Coffman for answers Adrian gave him a USB stick containing footage of Robert killing Goodwin to tarnish their memory of their father.

Adrian surrendering after learning of his father's intent to disown him
After obtaining all the components Prometheus had Sampson and his thugs rig a device to disperse tuberculosis on a city-wide scale. When Team Arrow attempted to stop the plan Prometheus ambushed Green Arrow, Red Arrow, Spartan and Mr. Terrific but Green Arrow managed to keep Prometheus distracted long enough for Spartan, Red Arrow and Mr. Terrific to make their way to the roof and they along with Dinah and Wild Dog foiled the plan and stopped Sampson. Meanwhile Prometheus continued to fight Green Arrow as their fight carried out down two flights of stairs with both combatants being fairly evenly matched. Unmasking, Adrian taunted Green Arrow that he couldn't kill him and that their father's legacies are what led them to becoming who they are.

Adrian watches Oliver reveal Robert's suicide to the public
However Green Arrow revealed to Adrian that Claybourne, prior to his death, was going to disown him not because he was illegitimate but because he believed him to be a psychopath. Seemingly crushed to learn this Adrian collapsed to the ground in grief and offered Green Arrow his sword and begged him to kill him. However Green Arrow refused but told him he was going to face justice and knocked him out. Adrian was taken into A.R.G.U.S. custody and watched Oliver on a screen with a smile on his face while Oliver confessing to the city that Robert had sacrificed himself to save Oliver's life 17 years ago, in an attempt to somewhat preserve Robert's legacy.
Meanwhile he had Evelyn break Laurel out of A.R.G.U.S. and had them co-ordinate with Talia to kidnap every Team Arrow member once he was incarcerated in preparation of his endgame.

Adrian's team bring Team Arrow to Lian Yu
While being incarcerated he set orders to his team to kidnap Oliver's teammates to which Oliver came to his cell and asked him about the whereabouts of his team to which he replied that if he wants his team to be safe he has to be released from custody. Adrian also told Oliver that he would be receiving a call, a call Oliver received moments later showing a kidnapped William. Oliver decided to comply with Adrian's demands and along with Malcolm Merlyn helped him escape as he was being escorted by A.R.G.U.S. agents to a shuttle to be transported elsewhere. Adrian then used the shuttle to escape so he could take a plane to Lian Yu along with both his team and Team Arrow. While there, Adrian taunted Team Arrow and told them that he would be waiting for Oliver to show up.
Battle on Lian Yu[]

Adrian greeting Oliver on Lian Yu
Adrian, Black Siren and Talia's acolytes had confronted Oliver, Team Arrow, Nyssa and Deathstroke. Adrian then taunts Oliver about his son and duels with him as the rest of the team take on the acolytes and Black Siren. As they dueled, Oliver threw Adrian off the balcony and attempted to break his neck, only with Adrian goading Oliver to do so. But much to Adrian's shock, Oliver gives up in the end, stating that while Adrian can blame him for his father's death for the rest of his life, Oliver has already forgiven his sins. Adrian once again tries to goad Oliver into killing him by lying to him that his son was dead, but Oliver saw right through him and told him even if it were true, he would never let him get the outcome he wants. As Oliver turns to leave, Felicity alerts him that Adrian had initiated a dead man switch that would blow up hundreds of C4 bombs planted all over the island as he escapes using a smoke bomb with Oliver close in pursuit, only to find him getting away in a boat.

Adrian before shooting himself in the head
Oliver however is able to catch up to him and brutally beats him down. However, Adrian then drags William out which a distraught Oliver aims his bow at him, but Adrian issues an ultimatum: For Oliver to kill him so everyone on the island would die, or spare him so he would kill William. As Oliver lowered his bow, he shot Adrian's leg and he let go of William while collapsing to the ground in pain, thus saving everyone. However, as Adrian lay on the deck defeated, realizing that Oliver's decision was resolute and would never kill him, Adrian congratulated Oliver for winning and getting William back was good as it was "going to be lonely", and drew a pistol and pressed it against his head as Oliver frantically attempted to stop him from detonating the bombs. But Oliver's efforts were futile as Adrian fired the gun before he was able to reach him while grinning at Oliver and dies by suicide as a last-ditch effort to break him one way or the other, triggering the dead man switch and leaving a horrified Oliver staring at him, only to turn and watch while holding William in his arms as the hundreds of C4 bombs on Lian Yu went off. Although his endgame cost Samantha Clayton's life and landed Thea in critical condition, the rest of Team Arrow managed to survive by using his plane to shield themselves from the explosions. Adrian's body was left on Lian Yu by Oliver.
Before his death, Adrian used all his money to hire and arm a criminal named Alex Faust to destroy buildings that were close to Oliver. He recorded himself on a video where he taunted Oliver, who died on Lian Yu and told his plans, knowing that Oliver would be forced to watch it sooner or later. The idea of his plan destroying buildings was to trigger PTSD for Oliver from Lian Yu's explosion.
Even though Adrian's endgame left deep marks within Team Arrow, including the death of Samantha Clayton, forcing a traumatized William to move in with his father, Oliver and the team was able to put him and his actions aside and move on, thus his entire revenge scheme ended in failure; therefore his years of planning on getting revenge on Oliver for killing his father, Justin Claybourne, was ultimately in vain. Ironically, all of his efforts and planning on destroying Oliver only resulted in him becoming a better man than he was before.
When a doctored photo was shown to the public of Oliver in the Green Arrow suit, Team Arrow suggested the idea that it was Adrian's final gift to Oliver before it was revealed to be Ricardo Diaz.
Sometime following Adrian's exposure as a serial killer or his death, Sam Armand succeeded him as the district attorney of Star City. However, Sam was later revealed to be corrupt, just like his predecessor, and working for Diaz. But after his arrest, Sam's successor and Adrian's former ally, Laurel Lance proved to be a dedicating district attorney as she redeemed herself for her crimes and became a good friend and ally to Oliver.

A hallucination of Adrian appears to Oliver
Adrian appeared as a hallucination when Oliver was exposed to Vertigo, taunting him on his failure to keep his team or save his city from Diaz. This shows that Chase's actions still affect Oliver even after Chase's death. Before Oliver realized he was hallucinating, Oliver snapped Chase's neck, showing that he would now kill him had he still been alive after Samantha's murder. The hallucination of Adrian admitted to Oliver that maybe he may have become a better man, showing that maybe Adrian's opinion towards Oliver might have changed if he were still alive.
When Oliver met Talia again in Slabside after being imprisoned, Oliver refused to work with her, reminding her that she worked with Adrian, which cost Samantha Clayton her life, although in the end they managed to reconcile.
- "You’re not a hero. You’re a killer and I’m going to show you that. I’m going to show you how everything you touch... dies."
- — Adrian Chase to Oliver Queen
Little was known about Adrian's personality before the death of his father, but he was believed to be a disturbed individual even before that, as his father secretly planned to disown him because of his apparent psychopathy. After his father's death, Adrian was consumed with grief and hatred for his murderer, the "Hood", and spent 11 years studying, training, and patiently waiting to destroy him completely. After uncovering Oliver's identity as his father's killer as well as virtually his entire history; Adrian went so far as to claim that he knows everything about Oliver and knows him better than he knows himself.
While trying to accomplish his mission, Adrian developed the facade of a compassionate District Attorney who cared about cleaning up the streets of Star City and ironically a trusted confidant to his father's killer. In reality, Adrian's hatred for Oliver was so intense that he refused to allow anyone else to kill Oliver, as shown when he threatened and later killed Tobias Church. In spite of his hatred for Oliver, Adrian was not interested in killing him but to make him suffer so much that he wished that he was dead. Adrian had gone to great lengths to psychologically torture him and destroy his life including: killing innocent people to send a twisted message to Oliver, recreate the crime scene with dead bodies of Oliver's killing of Adrian's father, kidnapping his loved ones, and recruiting Black Siren, the Doppelgänger of Laurel Lance who Oliver loved. Adrian's hatred for Oliver even outweighed the apparent love that he had for his wife, Doris, as he killed her when Oliver used her against him and tearfully proclaimed she would go to the SCIS. However, Adrian still later claimed on his video tape that it was Oliver, who killed his wife.
Adrian's revenge against Oliver was unjustified since although Oliver killed his father, Adrian had no justification to kill innocent individuals to send Oliver a twisted message or kidnap Oliver's friends and family since his revenge was against Oliver not against his family.
Adrian also believed that Oliver was not a hero but a killer who ruins the lives of everyone that he comes into contact with and was desperate to show that to him. Going so far as to physically and psychologically torture Oliver for an entire week, Adrian succeeded in proving that on some level Oliver enjoyed killing. Adrian was also a hypocrite on some level as despite viewing Oliver as a killer he himself committed far more heinous actions than Oliver did, freely killing innocent people, using some of his victims' bodies as trails to recreate the scenes of Oliver's past kills, and even killing his own wife to further his vendetta, where Oliver never killed anyone who had not committed at least some kind of crime, proving that even though Oliver is a killer, Adrian truly was a psychopath. Adrian was also arrogant, smug and boastful towards Oliver and Team Arrow once they realized that he was "Prometheus" due to Adrian always being ahead of them and their inability to apprehend him at the time. Despite this hatred, Adrian felt that his quest for revenge actually revealed to himself who he was and had a level of gratitude for Oliver for unintentionally revealing that aspect of him, though this did by no means outweigh his hatred nor his revenge.
Adrian also had no regard for his own life, as on several occasions he allowed Oliver the opportunity to kill him albeit at the cost of Oliver destroying his own life in the process. Adrian again allowed Oliver the opportunity to kill him but once he refused, Adrian forced Oliver into destroying his own life either by forcing Oliver to choose between his son or people on the island. Once Oliver succeeded in saving everyone, Adrian, without hesitation, ended his own life to once again make Oliver suffer by losing virtually everyone else he cared about on Lian Yu, to which he failed.
Adrian was also shown to be short-sighted and very stubborn, as even after finding out that his father was planning to disown him, he did not stop his revenge and kidnapped all of Oliver's friends on Lian Yu for Oliver to kill him and in the process kill his friends. Adrian himself committed suicide to finish off all of Oliver's friends (although in reality it caused more problems for his allies since only Samantha died).
- "He's a man of remarkable capacity."
- — Talia al Ghul

Prometheus was barely affected from being drugged and able to intercept the cable arrow meant to restrain him, seemingly without effort
- Peak of human physical condition: Adrian was in incredible physical form after training for 11 years to defeat Oliver Queen, with his conditioning allowing him to fight the extremely seasoned and trained vigilante on equal footing, even outmaneuvering him at times. Adrian is strong enough to easily pin down the likes of the large and physically imposing Tobias Church and Earth-2 Laurel Lance, both with one arm, and kick Oliver through a wooden wall with one leg. Adrian also withstood a severe beatdown from Oliver which left his face bloody and swollen, yet barely seemed fazed by it. Like Oliver, Adrian had a high resistance to drugs, as he was able to quickly shrug off the effects of a diazepam-ridden dart which Oliver threw at him.
- Acrobatics/Free-running: Adrian was able to move and scale down walls with great dexterity and grace, even while simultaneously dodging bullets and throwing his shuriken. During a battle against Oliver, he performed an arial flip while leaping to the ground without using his hands.
- Honed senses: Adrian had sharp senses, easily able to pick up danger and read the atmosphere around him. For example, he quickly sensed the arrival of Green Arrow at a crime scene and immediately deduced when the SCIS officers guarding him learned his identity by their silent reactions without turning around.
- "How'd you think you were gonna beat me, Oliver? We were both trained by the same teacher."
- — Adrian Chase
- Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Adrian, like Oliver, was an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained by Talia al Ghul with a fighting style incorporating several moves that Oliver knew. Since Adrian was trained by Talia he knew: Kali, Kenjutsu, Sambo, Wing Chun, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Muay Thai, Capoeira, Judo, Pro Wrestling, Kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do and Shurikenjutsu. He seemed to have a particular preference for a certain hip throw (Ō goshi in Judo), using it on three separate occasions against Black Siren, Curtis Holt, and a SCIS officer. Adrian was able to single-handedly and quickly defeat Evelyn Sharp and Curtis with ease, as well as overpower Vigilante. During all his battles with Oliver, Adrian proved capable of fighting on equal terms with and even sometimes gaining the upper hand over him. Adrian managed to defeat Oliver in their first and second altercations, although it should be noted that in the latter fight, Oliver was caught off-guard due to Felicity Smoak being in danger. In their third confrontation, Oliver dealt a more severe beating to Adrian and the two fought to a draw in their fourth confrontation. Ultimately, Adrian was overpowered by Oliver in their final duel.
- Master knife wielder/Knife thrower: Adrian was extremely proficient in throwing weapons such as knives, battle axes, flechettes, and his weapon of choice, throwing stars. He was able to use throwing stars to disarm SCIS lieutenant Sam Conahan of his phaser while jumping of a ledge and perfectly split an arrow shot at him by Oliver. Adrian even precisely threw a pen into a SCIS officer's eye from across a room. He was also a very capable knife wielder in close combat, as shown during a confrontation with Oliver.
- Master swordsman: Adrian was highly skilled in the art of swordsmanship, often using his sword-fighting skills in conjunction with his melee skills. Adrian was capable of using his signature chokuto to trade blows with Oliver while the latter used his bow as a melee weapon.
- Master archer: Like Oliver, Adrian was a highly capable archer, although he seems to prefer throwing weapons. Adrian is skilled enough to either wound or kill his targets with arrows. While torturing Oliver, Adrian fired three arrows into his shoulder in a tight pattern at point-blank range.
- "Oh... I'm 10 steps ahead of you, and you haven't even figured out what game we're playing yet."
- — Adrian Chase to Green Arrow
- High-level intellect/Master tactician/Expert investigator: Adrian was a distinctly effective tactician, with his tactics against Oliver being at a psychological level. He was successful in tricking Oliver into killing Billy Malone, knowing that Oliver came with the intent on killing the former. Adrian one of the few people to ever tactically outsmart Oliver, who is a master tactician in his own right. Adrian positioned Oliver in a scenario where the latter was forced to proclaim his "Green Arrow" identity as a police killer, making it nearly impossible for him to take Prometheus down with his alter-ego. Adrian had proven himself to be an excellent investigator and tracker, having learned much about Oliver and all those close to him - becoming aware of their secret identities, The List, the S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline, the Legends, and the multiverse. Adrian was very skilled at locating people, as he was able to track down the elusive Talia al Ghul and William Clayton, despite Samantha Clayton's best efforts to keep her son hidden and safe.
- Computer specialist: Adrian had demonstrated a high degree of computer skills, as he was able to build and use several theatrical traps used against Oliver and Team Arrow. Oliver also mentioned that Adrian has managed to erase all traces of his birth identity, "Simon Morrison", from the internet.
- Explosives expert: Adrian had a good knowledge of explosives, quickly placing a bomb on a train before escaping, rigging many rooms of a hotel with a chain of bombs, and later having a network of C4s all over Lian Yu, linked to himself to be triggered through a dead man's switch. Adrian also successfully set off an EMP strong enough to shut down the entire Arrowcave.
- Master lawyer: As the former district attorney of Star City, Adrian was a highly capable lawyer, having prosecuted a number of criminals, including Derek Sampson. He was able to use his legal knowledge to successfully prevent John Diggle's prison transfer. Considering the fact that he only became the district attorney to get close to Oliver, it is possible that Adrian did not even possess a legitimate law degree, making his knowledge potentially even more impressive.
- Master of deception/Manipulator: Adrian was exceptional at deception, letting Oliver believe he was a man with a normal life as a lawyer, to the point that he was able to befriend Oliver at work. Oliver only found out who Adrian really was through Talia. Adrian was also very manipulative, able to use Evelyn Sharp's increasing resentment with Oliver in order to convince her to betray him.
- Master interrogator/Torturer: Adrian was a highly skilled interrogator, trained in both verbal and physical extraction techniques. As a lawyer, Adrian was successfully able to flip one of Eric Dunn's men to find him. While torturing Oliver, Adrian used the same methods of Oliver used to hurt his enemies, including water-boarding and shooting him with arrows, all while not killing him. At the same time, Adrian psychologically tortured Oliver by threatening his loved ones and seemingly killing Evelyn in front of him. Adrian was eventually successful in breaking Oliver, a feat that only Slade Wilson and Mar Novu has accomplished, and even convinced Oliver to temporarily end his crusade until Diggle snapped him out of it.
- Skilled metalsmith: Adrian had stolen several of Oliver's arrows that he left behind during his vigilante career and melted them down to be reforged as his own weapons, mainly his throwing stars, showing he was a skilled crafter. Adrian's throwing stars were shown to be quite sharp, as they could split Oliver's arrows in half.
- Indomitable will/High pain tolerance: Adrian had a high tolerance for pain, as he could keep fighting without slowing down after Evelyn cut his arm and barely flinched after being shot in the shoulder with a bullet. Adrian was still able to move his arm normally even when the bullet wound reopened.
- Stealth/Infiltration/Escape artist: Adrian displayed mastery in the art of stealth, as he was able to ambush his targets fairly quickly without them noticing, whether be it was day or night. Adrian snuck into Gay Eked's home, a moving subway train, and even broke into S.T.A.R. Labs without triggering any alarms, an act that went unknown to Team Flash for 3 days.
- Intimidation: Adrian possessed an intimidating presence due to his ruthlessness, with Church, Evelyn, and even Laurel, a meta-human, displaying signs of fear towards him. Adrian's killings as the "Throwing Star Killer", combined with media rumors about his presence, was enough to cause a city-wide panic. Even Darren Coffman stated Adrian was "terrifying".
- Prometheus suit: Adrian wore a protective suit as Prometheus to hide his identity from his victims in his quest for vengeance against Oliver Queen. The suit also provided Prometheus with considerable protection for at least the torso, as shown when the arrows Artemis fired at Prometheus simply bounced off of him.
- Voice filter: Adrian apparently used a voice filter in his mask to conceal his true identity and making him sound almost unrecognizable as Prometheus. For some reason, he made several alterations to his disguised voice. This is possibly what he used to mimic Lyla Michaels' voice to trick John Diggle.
- Scabbard: A scabbard was strapped to the back of the suit, allowing Prometheus to carry his chokuto when he was not using it.
- Quiver: Adrian carried a black arrow container, to carry his arrows with him.
- Recurve bow: Although rarely used, Adrian carried a recurve bow, which he used to fire his arrows and for close combat.
- Chokuto: Adrian carried a chokuto on his back for close quarters combat which he used to murder Sam Conahan and his fights with Green Arrow.

One of Prometheus's throwing stars
- Throwing stars: Adrian carried throwing stars strapped to his abdomen, usually no more than six at a time. These appeared to be Adrian's preferred method of killing his victims, as he showed deadly proficiency when utilizing them.
- Throwing knives: Adrian carried several small and easily concealable throwing knives which could use to throw from distance or in close quarters combat.
- Axe: Adrian carried at least one axe, which he used to attack Tobias Church.
- Ruger GP100: Adrian used a revolver when taking William Clayton hostage and later killing himself.
- Grappling hook: Adrian used a grappling hook to descend down a building and into a window during a confrontation with Oliver.
Season 5[]
- "Legacy" (as Prometheus)
- "The Recruits" (as Prometheus)
- "A Matter of Trust"
- "Penance"
- "Human Target" (as Prometheus)
- "So It Begins"
- "Vigilante"
- "What We Leave Behind"
- "Who Are You?"
- "Second Chances"
- "Bratva"
- "Spectre of the Gun"
- "The Sin-Eater"
- "Fighting Fire With Fire"
- "Checkmate"
- "Kapiushon"
- "Disbanded"
- "Dangerous Liaisons" (video game; as Prometheus)
- "Underneath"
- "Honor Thy Fathers"
- "Missing"
- "Lian Yu"
Season 6[]
- "Fallout" (mentioned)
- "Tribute" (mentioned)
- "Reversal" (mentioned)
- "Promises Kept" (mentioned)
- "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2" (mentioned)
- "All for Nothing" (mentioned)
- "Collision Course" (mentioned)
- "Fundamentals" (hallucination)
- "Shifting Allegiances" (indirectly mentioned)
Season 7[]
- "The Demon" (mentioned)
- "Emerald Archer" (video footage; as Prometheus)
- "Living Proof" (indirectly mentioned)
- "You Have Saved This City" (mentioned)
- Adrian chose the name Prometheus, because Prometheus challenged the inepitants of the gods, because Adrian believed that like Oliver, the gods played judge, jury, and executioner, but Prometheus took away the gods power.
- Even before the death of his father "traumatized" him, Adrian was already showing signs of being mentally unstable. It was the reason his father planned to disown him.
- He killed people whose names were anagrams of those on The List.
- He set up numerous traps to make the Green Arrow look bad.
- He couldn't see that Oliver had changed from his former mindset as The Hood to the more heroic Green Arrow; he believed it was an excuse to indulge murdering people.
- He doesn't simply kill Oliver to avenge his father, instead wasting time on drawn out attempts to warp Oliver's self perspective to match what Adrian saw him as.
- The only real victory Adrian ever managed was the murder of Samantha Clayton and traumatizing William Clayton. However, the latter was able to recover five months later.
- Oliver was able to release his identity to the public much earlier than Chase clearly anticipated.
- His torturing of Oliver, though briefly leading to him leaving the Green Arrow identity, only increased the hatred he had for Chase rather than himself. In addition, it helped Oliver slowly become an even better man than he ever was before as he finally made peace with his past mistakes and vowed to become the hero Star City needs him to be.
- Oliver was able to stop his plot with Sampson to release the tuberculosis and incarcerate him inside A.R.G.U.S.
- Adrian’s multiple attempts to get Oliver to kill him in public only led to Oliver sparing him every time, leaving him bitterly disappointed.
- Although he did manage to successfully kill Samantha, put Thea in a six month coma and caused Diggle to suffer nerve damage in his arm, all of Team Arrow (with the possible exception of Malcolm Merlyn) survived his endgame on Lian Yu. On the other hand, it is still unknown if any members of his team or Talia’s cult (with the exception of Black Siren) survived.
- Adrian seems to have a particular preference for a certain hipthrow (o goshi in Judo), using it on three separate occasions. He used it on Black Siren, against Curtis and a SCIS officer.
- Stephen Amell has stated that Prometheus is his favorite Arrow villain.
Behind the scenes[]
- In the DC comics, Adrian Chase is known as the first Vigilante in present-day, whereas in the series Adrian is a separate character and an antagonist and Vigilante is an anti-villain with a currently unknown identity. Like on the show, his insanity ultimately leads to him dying by suicide.
- In DC comics, Prometheus is an alias used by multiple villains, most famously by an unnamed one that pushed Green Arrow past his limits. This version does resemble said character in looks and modus operandi, being a mass-murdering "dark mirror version" of the hero he opposes, skilled with several fighting styles and weapons. Another resemblance is that Prometheus' main motivation is to avenge the death of his criminal parent and will go to great lengths to do it, similar to the comics, where his parents were criminals killed by cops and because of it, he wants to destroy all forms of justice. Both claimed to be too smart for Green Arrow to overcome and made overly elaborate plans, but were subsequently proven wrong by Oliver and defeated, though they managed to cause massive explosions in places close to Oliver's heart. In the comics he destroyed Star City, and on the show he destroyed Lian Yu.
- He also has similarities to the Batman character Arkham Knight, an alias used by Jason Todd, the second Robin, in Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham Knight video game. Wrongly believing Batman abandoned him after Joker faked his death and tortured him for over a year, Jason swore revenge and adopted darker version of Batman's suit armed with more weapons, with the Arkham Knight alias to kill his former mentor. Adrian suffered a loss at Oliver's hands and uses a darker version of Oliver's suit with even more weapons than he carries as part of his vendetta against him.
- He also has similarities to Hunter Zolomon/Zoom. Both of them are the darker version of their respective enemies with similar backgrounds caused by the actions of their fathers, both of them are unstable and insane, Black Siren worked with both of them, and both of them help their respective enemies while feigning friendships with them under fake names, and simultaneously opposing them in their evil personas.
- Interestingly enough, his alias mirrors him being the darker version of Oliver, since Adrian literally meaning "the dark one".
- Simon Morrison is a reference to Prometheus's original creator Grant Morrison, with Simon being based off Batman villain Simon Hurt (also created by Grant). The character Simon Hurt also shares several similarities with the show's Simon Morrison.
- Prometheus is the first main antagonist in the shared multiverse to willingly die by suicide. He is also one of the three main Arrow antagonists of Arrow alongside Malcolm Merlyn and Slade Wilson to be credited as one of the main characters and also have past history with Oliver. Additionally, he was also the first main antagonist to be credited as one of the main characters in his first appearance in Arrow.
- While he has a history with Oliver, Prometheus is the first antagonist with a history with Oliver that Oliver was unaware of in their first encounter, as it took several episodes for Oliver to learn of Chase's ties to his father.
- Prometheus is the fourth main antagonist of Arrow that dies. The previous three are Ra's al Ghul, Damien Darhk, and Malcolm Merlyn. However, Prometheus is the only one that has not appeared on Legends of Tomorrow.
- Ironically, although Prometheus destroyed Star City in the comics, Adrian is the only Arrow main antagonist to not attempt to have any success in attempting to do so.
- Adrian Chase is also the first main antagonist to not be appear or be referenced in any season prior to his own. Slade Wilson appeared multiple times in Season 1, Ra's al Ghul was mentioned a few times in Season 2, and Damien Darhk was mentioned by Ra's al Ghul near the end of Season 3.