Memory Delta Wiki
Memory Delta Wiki
Character Image
Planet of origin: Andoria
Affiliation: Andorian Empire,
Terran Empire
Warp capable: 1154 AD
Classification: humanoid
Environmental requirements: cool M-Class planet conditions
Typical lifespan: 120-135 years
Sexes: chan, thaan, zhen, and shen
Telepathic abilities: none in main Andorian race, powerful telepathic abilities in the Aenar
Blood Coloration: blue (cobalt-based)
Distinctive Features:
antennae and white hair
Racial Sub-divisions:
Aenar (sub-species)

The Andorians were a race of humanoids native from Andoria, in the dark mirror universe.

They were once the subjected races of the Terran Empire, until they became equals and allies of the Empire in 2155. Then the Andorian fleet aided Imperial Starfleet to fight against the Romulan Star Empire and ended in 2160.

In 2160, after the Terran-Romulan War the Andorian Empire became a founding member of the Terran Empire Alliance.
