Memory Delta Wiki
Argo class
Ship image.
Affiliation: Starfleet
Classification: Shuttlecraft
Service period: 29th century
Length: N/A
Width: N/A
Height: N/A
Capacity: 2 (crew)
20 (maximum capacity)
Cruising speed: Warp speed
Impulse speeds
Armaments: Phaser cannons
Defences: Deflector shields

The Argo class is a Federation shuttlecraft design type operated by Starfleet in a possible 29th century.


Technical data[]


The Argo class is larger than a regular shuttle with a particularly large cargo area at the back and was designed with recessed warp nacelles and fold-down wings. These wings were designed to assist in atmospheric maneuverability.

Life support[]

  1. Oxygen generators
  2. Inertial dampeners
  3. Gravity plating
  4. Heat shield
  5. Radiation shield


Weapon systems[]

Phaser cannons[]

The class is armed with two retractable mounted phaser cannons that fire pulsed beams of nadion particle discharge at a target.

Defensive systems[]

  • Deflector shields: It possesses advanced deflector shield generators that create a bubble of layered energetic distortion infused with gravitons. This facilitates the absorption of kinetic impacts and energy discharge.



The class features twelve micro-fusion thrusters and reaction control system thrusters.


It is equipped for faster than light speeds by a 2.250 milli cochrane warp engine that works by generating warp fields to form a subspace bubble that enveloped the starship, distorting the local spacetime continuum and moving the starship at velocities that could greatly exceed the speed of light.

The maximum speed of which is factor 1.65.
