A Bajoran phaser

Day Kannu pulls his phaser from its holster
The Bajoran phaser was the Bajoran Militia's standard issue sidearm. In the mirror universe it was called a disruptor pistol. The Bajorans produced three types of these weapons, two pistol types, and one rifle. (DS9 episodes: "Resurrection", "Who Mourns for Morn?")
In 2369, Major Kira Nerys and two Bajoran security officers were armed with Bajoran phasers when they returned to the moon Jerrado and remove Mullibok, Baltrim, and Keena by force. Mullibok asked Kira if she planned to use this weapon and Kira answered "Protocol". (DS9 episode: "Progress")
The same year Major Kira and two Bajoran officers used Bajoran phasers to take control over ops while all participants were affected by the Saltah'na energy spheres. (DS9 episode: "Dramatis Personae")
These weapons made a distinct sound when used - pinned down in the cargo bay by Jem'Hadar fire while fighting their way to toward DS9's main computer, Rom recognized some of the shots they heard as coming from Bajoran phasers, which left Kira mystified. Just as she wordered aloud why Dominion soldiers would use Bajoran phasers, the shooting stopped, and they saw that, with one exception, their users were indeed Bajoran - as the Jem'Hadar had focused on the escaped prisoners, Odo and his security forces had snuck up from behind and picked them off one by one. (DS9 episode: "Sacrifice of Angels")