The Battle of Andoria was a miliaty engagement between forces of the Coalition of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire in 2156, during the Earth-Romulan War.
Seeking to make the war go faster, Praetor D'deridex orders Admiral Valdore to move on the homeworlds of the Humans, Tellarite, and Andorians. To comply with these orders Valdore was forced to launch an undermanned attack against Andoria.
The Battle[]
As the Romulans entered the Andorian system the warp detection grid was set off, causing the IGS Weytahn along with the USS Yorktown and Challenger to respond to the threat. As they moved to intercept, the Coalition fleet detected 14 smaller fighters moving on Andoria and one large mother ship maintaining position outside the system. The two Earth ships moved to stop the mother ship while the Weytahn concentrated on the fighters, which were destroying the warp detection grid's nodes. As the Earth vessels approached, the Romulan vessel set a course for Andoria at maximum warp, blowing past the two Earth vessels, which immediately turned to pursue.
At the same time the Weytahn and its fighters engaged the Romulan warship. However, the Romulans used the arrenhe'hwiua telecapture weapon to hijack the fighters and turned them on the Weytahn, which was forced to destroy its own fighter craft. Despite the fighters being destroyed, the Weytahn was heavily damaged and couldn't pursue the mothership, forcing the Challenger to do so alone. Once Challenger caught up to the vessel, it attempted to engage but it was already captured by the Romulans using the telecapture system. This forced the Challenger's captain to destroy his ship, taking out the Romulan mothership in the process. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
The destruction of Challenger caused disruption in Andoria's atmosphere resulting in intense ion storms, but the Romulans were unable to capture their biggest prize yet, an NX-class vessel. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
Battles of the Earth-Romulan War (2155-2160) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prelude | Devastation of Coridan III • Battle of Draylax • Battle of Alpha Centauri • Battle of Calder II • Kobayashi Maru Incident | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2155 | Battle of Tarod IX • First Battle of Deneva • First Battle of Berengaria • Skirmish near Threllvia IV • Fall of Threllvia IV • First Battle of Altair VI | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2156 | Battle of Andoria • Invasion of Capory • Mission to Aeihk'aeleir Shipyard • Invasion of Draken IV • Second Battle of Berengaria • Battle of Algeron • Ambush in the Onias sector • Second Battle of Altair VI • Battle of Tau Ceti IV • Second Battle of Deneva | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2157 | Battle of Gamma Hydra • Battle of Galorndon Core • Battle of Prantares | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2159 | Search for the Seleya • Attack on Gravenor • Mission to Epsilon Theta • Mission to Encaria • Battle of Tyburn • Third Battle of Altair VI • Battle of Vorkado • Third Battle of Deneva • Battle of Beta Virginis • Battle of Delta Pavonis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2160 | Battle of Tenebia • Devastation of Draylax • Attack on Sol • Battle of Cheron |