- "The man I used to know would not let thirty-seven people die to cover his own ass."
- — Everett Young
The Battle of P2S-569 was an event that took place between 2380 and 2381 between the Federation and the Lucian Alliance.
Some time between 2380 and 2381 on the Federation outpost, there were many forces that were stationed on the planet P2S-569. The Lucian Alliance learned the location of the base and attacked it. (SGU: "Subversion")
Shortly thereafter, the base was attacked by a force of Ha'tak motherships and several Death Gliders and all Federation forces fought against the enemy. During the battle, the staff began evacuating the troops kept the enemy away. When the base came under attack, as, which resulted in the destruction of the Federation base and the loss of thirty-seven people. (SGU: "Subversion")
The Federation forces evacuated the last after all the staff left the planet through the Stargate. The enemy left the planet itself and the Federation then returned to build up the base again and install a new defense system. (SGU: "Subversion")
- Stargate Universe
- Season 1
- "Subversion" (mentioned)
- Season 1