The Battle of P3X-367 was an event that took place in 2366 during the Federation-Goa'uld War.
After SG-4 returned from P3X-367 with Alebran, they informed SG-1 that Nirrti was experimenting on the People of P3X-367. (SG1: "Metamorphosis")
After Alebran became sick and died from cellular breakdown, SG-1 and SG-4 traveled to the planet and took out the Jaffa guarding the fortress. Once inside, they discovered the inhabitants had been severely altered with Wodan possessing telekinesis and Eggar possessing telepathy. They explained that Nirrti had cured them of a disease and that they were expecting her back soon. Jonas Quinn and Typhuss went with Wodan to the basement and were attacked and imprisoned. Colonel Jack O'Neill and Major Samantha Carter stayed to study the machine. When O'Neill lost contact with SG-4, he went to investigate and Nirrti ringed into the room and shot Carter with a Zat'nik'tel. When O'Neill returned, he tried to shoot one of Nirrti's Jaffa but Wodan stopped the phaser beam in midair. Nirrti then imprisoned the two with Jonas and Typhuss. Nirrti then placed Lt. Colonel Sergei Evanov in the DNA resequencer and Nirrti manipulated his DNA. When she was done she returned him to the cell and did the same to Carter. When she moved on to Jonas, she told him that she could give him great power but he told if she did he would use them to kill her. Back in the cell, Evanov died of cellular breakdown. After Jonas refused to join her, Nirrti brought O'Neill to machine. On the way O'Neill was able to convince Eggar to read Nirrti's mind. When they entered the room, Eggar read her mind and discovered that she was not a god. When Nirrti ordered her Jaffa to attack, Wodan quickly killed them. Eggar then informed Wodan that Nirrti killed Alebran and Wodan used his power to break her neck, killing her, but not before Eggar was able to learn how to work the machine. (SG1: "Metamorphosis")
Eggar used the device to reset Carter and his people before destroying it. (SG1: "Metamorphosis")
- Stargate SG-1
- Season 6
- "Metamorphosis"
- "Prophecy" (mentioned)
- Season 9
- "Prototype" (mentioned)
- Season 6