- "We were on P8X-873. We were freeing the Abydonians whom the Goa'uld had taken as slaves."
- — Carter explaining to Daniel what happened in Sha're's vision
The Battle of P8X-873 was a battle fought between the United Federation of Planets and the forces of Amaunet to rescue the captured Abydonians.
Amaunet had traveled to the planet Abydos and kidnapped a group of Abydonians, including Kasuf, Sha're's father and brought them to P8X-873. She did this to steal the Harcesis and hide him from her enemies, kidnapping the Abydonians to trick Heru'ur, who she had allied herself with into believing she had different intentions. (SG1: "Forever in a Day")

Jaffa soldiers attack
Stargate Command sends SG-1 and several other SG teams to the planet to rescue the Abydonians from captivity. During the attack, Colonel Jack O'Neill, Major Samantha Carter and the other SG teams held off the Jaffa who attacked with a staff cannon and waves of Jaffa. Carter took out the cannon with an AT4 while the teams took down the charging Jaffa with both their personal weapons and a mounted M2 Browning that O'Neill took control of himself when the soldier manning it was killed.
At the same time, Dr. Daniel Jackson ran to the tent where he killed one Jaffa and Typhuss killed another and once he got inside, tried to save Sha're from Amaunet's control but failed and got stuck in Amaunet's Kara kesh to his head. Typhuss found him and was forced to kill her with his type 2 phaser. Amaunet died first, allowing Sha're to briefly regain control and say goodbye to Jackson. During Amaunet's torture of Jackson, Sha're managed to communicate a message to him telling him that Amaunet had taken the Harcesis child to Kheb, starting a search for him. All of Amunet's Jaffa were killed in the battle and Sha're's body was taken back to Abydos to be buried while most of the Abydonians were successfully rescued. (SG1: "Forever in a Day")
Following the battle and the death of his wife, Dr. Daniel Jackson forgave Typhuss for killing Sha're as per her request in her message to him through Amaunet's kara kesh. (SG1: "Forever in a Day")
Daniel began a search for Kheb and the Harcesis child as Sha're wanted, eventually finding the child, Shifu, months later. However, Daniel ultimately let Oma Desala take Shifu away as he recognized that she was better able to protect the boy than Daniel could. (SG1, "Maternal Instinct")
- Stargate SG-1
- Season 3
- "Forever in a Day"
- Season 3