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Battle of Tau Ceti IV
(Part of the Earth-Romulan War)
Belligerents: United Earth
Romulan Star Empire
Date(s): June 20, 2156
Location(s): Tau Ceti IV
Result: Romulan victory
Casualties: Atlantis (NX-05)

The Battle of Tau Ceti IV was a brief battle between the United Earth and Romulan Star Empire fought over Tau Ceti IV.


As Earth gained it first victory at Berengaria and began amassing forces for the retaking of Deneva, Romulan supreme commander Valdore withdrew forces from Deneva in preparation for the invasion of Tau Ceti IV. As Coalition forces attacked Deneva, the Romulan forces moved to attack the lightened defenses at Tau Ceti IV. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)

The Battle[]

As the Romulan ships entered the system they blitzed the ships on patrol insystem, including the Atlantis (NX-05). They then began landing troops on the surface and establishing a foothold only 12 light years from Earth. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)


The Romulans were able to establish a foothold within close range of Earth causing United Earth leaders to establish a "Fortress Earth" policy, in which a large number of Starfleet vessels were to withdraw from outer areas so they could guard Earth and Alpha Centauri. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)



Battles of the Earth-Romulan War (2155-2160)
Prelude Devastation of Coridan IIIBattle of DraylaxBattle of Alpha CentauriBattle of Calder IIKobayashi Maru Incident
2155 Battle of Tarod IXFirst Battle of DenevaFirst Battle of BerengariaSkirmish near Threllvia IVFall of Threllvia IVFirst Battle of Altair VI
2156 Battle of AndoriaInvasion of CaporyMission to Aeihk'aeleir ShipyardInvasion of Draken IVSecond Battle of BerengariaBattle of AlgeronAmbush in the Onias sectorSecond Battle of Altair VIBattle of Tau Ceti IVSecond Battle of Deneva
2157 Battle of Gamma HydraBattle of Galorndon CoreBattle of Prantares
2159 Search for the SeleyaAttack on GravenorMission to Epsilon ThetaMission to EncariaBattle of TyburnThird Battle of Altair VIBattle of VorkadoThird Battle of DenevaBattle of Beta VirginisBattle of Delta Pavonis
2160 Battle of TenebiaDevastation of DraylaxAttack on SolBattle of Cheron