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The planet Betazed
Full name: Betazed
Classification: class M planet
Affiliation: Terran Empire,
Location: Beta Veldonna star system, the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant
Moon(s): 3: Avandar, Merandar, Keylandar
Dominant Species: Betazoid
Warp Capable: 2139
Population: Betazoid (5.6 billion); Terran (11 million)
Capital: Rixx
Gravity: 1.0 G
Length of day: 25 hours
Land mass percentage: 22%

In the alternate mirror universe, Betazed is a class M planet, it is the homeworld of the Betazoid people.

It is the fifth planet in the Beta Veldonna star system. It was within a standard shuttlecraft's range of Starbase G-6.

The (ceremonial) ruling family of Betazed is the Fifth House of Betazed.

The planet's capital city is Rixx.


The Terran Empire conquered Betazed in 2230; however, many of the early imperial administrators, and their lackeys, died strange deaths at the hands of the Betazoids who used a form of psychic resistance to challenge their new-found masters. Imperial Starfleet Captain Jack Beatty was the first to develop the mental discipline necessary to stave off attacks from the local population. Captain Beatty opened his mind to then-Supreme Leader Giliana Houn where he exposed her mind to the full violence and perversity of the Terran consciousness; she suffered a series of devastating strokes and died on the spot. Starfleet Academy taught the Beatty Method to a select number of personnel, including civilian administrators destined for Betazed. Only about 25% of the Terrans residing on Betazed knew the method; nevertheless, it was high enough to keep the Betazoids from attempting to enter the minds of their Terran occupiers.

Learning to accept their fate, the Betazoids quickly sought to raise their status within the empire by offering their thought-invading abilities to Imperial Starfleet. Still, Terrans remained weary of the Betazoids and their intentions for at least another fifty years before raising the planet's status to that of vassal in 2278.

While a vassal in the empire, Betazed was a police state where the minds of the strong dominate those of the weak. Beginning in childhood, all Betazoids learned to either shield their minds from the intrusion of others, or to steal thoughts from weaker minds.

Betazoid society remained matriarchal with women commanding households, and dominating the top positions in most organizations, demanding sexual favors from men. Betazoids continued to practice their bizarre orgiastic, and nude, wedding ceremonies, drenched in the blood of freshly-slaughtered animals.

Nevertheless, it continued to be home to those few Betazoids who had survived the reign of the Terran Empire. Some hid themselves in the planet's caves, while others (several hundred in number) resided at a secret underground compound known as the Sacred Chalice. The Chalice was actually one large brothel that served a number of Klingon and Cardassian clients. It was run by Lwaxana Troi. The surviving Betazoids passed themselves off as Terrans who had happened upon the planet in its ruined state and then settled.
