Memory Delta Wiki
For the Earth 66 Birds of Prey series, see Birds of Prey (Earth 66 series).
For the Earth-1 Birds of Prey series, see Birds of Prey (series).

Birds of Prey is a series created by Typhuss999. The show takes place on Earth 92 and not on Earth-1.


Barbara Gordon has created a vigilante team called the Birds of Prey to protect and to stop crime in Gotham City and Star City.


Main Cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Special appearance by[]

  • Zabryna Guevara as Commissioner Sarah Essen
  • Stephen Amell as Mayor Oliver Queen
  • Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak
  • Christina Cox as Deputy Mayor Celia Castle
  • John Barrowman as Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer
  • Manu Bennett as Slade Wilson/Deathstroke
  • Cynthia Addai-Robinson as Amanda Waller
  • Maggie Gyllenhaal as Assistant district attorney Rachel Dawes
  • Sean Pertwee as Alfred Pennyworth
  • Val Kilmer as Bruce Wayne/Batman (in flashbacks only)


