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Black Siren is a series created by Typhuss999. The show is set in the New Arrowverse on Earth 87.


After Laurel Lance and Typhuss James Halliwell leave Team Arrow after betraying the team for Ricardo Diaz and Cayden James, Laurel offers Typhuss a place on her team of criminals and Typhuss accepts her offer. Laurel and Typhuss fall in love while doing crimes.


Main Cast[]

Guest Cast[]



Logo gallery[]


  • Black Siren is a series that is set in the Arrowverse on Earth 87 where Laurel Lance is Black Siren and a meta-human, a former member of Team Arrow and vigilante and Typhuss James Halliwell is also a meta-human, a former member of Team Arrow and vigilante.
  • Laurel and Typhuss have a superhuman sonic scream as one of their powers, Laurel offers Typhuss a place on her team of criminals which he accepts and the two fall in love and start a romantic relationship.
  • Oliver of Earth 87 is killed by his evil doppelgänger, Oliver Queen/Dark Arrow. Leaving Oliver's friend Tommy Merlyn to become Green Arrow and leader of Team Arrow with Dinah Drake/Black Canary as his second-in-command.