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Memory Delta Wiki

"To use a bow and arrow requires patience and discipline."
Oliver Queen

A bow and arrow is a projectile weapon system used in the art of archery. The bow is a flexible piece of material which shoots aerodynamic projectiles called arrows, which usually consist of a shaft, an arrowhead attached to the front end, with fletchings and a nock at the other. A string joins the two ends of the bow, and when the string is drawn back, the ends of the stick are flexed. When the string is released, the potential energy of the flexed stick is transformed into the velocity of the arrow. A bow and arrow was a projectile weapon used for hunting or combat. The discipline of using the bow and arrow was known as archery.

Most prominently, Oliver Queen uses a bow and arrow as the hero Green Arrow, among a multitude of others who have also wielded the weapons.


In 2265, rebel Muton natives led by Dalbar disguised themselves as jungle savages against invading frogmen by arming themselves with bows. (TOS comic: "Slaves of the Frogmen")

In 2266, a Yerba rebel destroyed a 50-ton tank on Hercula with a bow and arrow tipped with an atomic weapon. (TOS comic: "The Animal People")

In 2267, Spock crafted this as a weapon to defend against Capellan attack. (TOS novelization: Friday's Child)

In the 2260s, Members of the Hill People tribe on the planet Neural hunted with bows and arrows, including Tyree and Yutan. (TOS episode: "A Private Little War")


Hali, a Mintakan, with a bow and arrow


Thaddeus Troi-Riker's compound bow


Z'ymira with a bow

The Capellans did not develop bows and arrows and were first introduced to them by the crew of the USS Enterprise. (TOS episode: "Friday's Child")

The Hill People on Neural used bows and arrows for their defense. (TOS episode: "A Private Little War")

The Mintakans on Mintaka III used bows and arrows for hunting animals and as weapons. Liko, who refused to believe that Jean-Luc Picard was not their "Overseer", shot an arrow at Picard and wounded him. (TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers")

The fictional character of Z'ymira from Benny Russell's The Kingdom of Elysian was an archer sporting a bow. (SNW episode: "The Elysian Kingdom")

When the senior staff of the USS Enterprise-D was transferred into a Robin Hood scenario by Q in 2367, a few, among them Captain Picard who filled in the lead role, had bows and arrows. (TNG episode: "Qpid")

Several of the inhabitants of Alixus' colony, including Vinod, used bows and arrows. After Benjamin Sisko and Miles O'Brien arrived, they were threatened with a number of bows and arrows. Vinod later fired an arrow from the bow at O'Brien's uniform thinking that it was him. (DS9 episode: "Paradise")

Tuvok wall bow

Bow with quiver on Tuvok's wall

Tuvok appeared to have a bow with a quiver of arrows mounted on his quarters' wall in a decorative manner. (VOY episode: "Cold Fire")

When the crew of the USS Voyager was marooned on Hanon IV by Seska and the Kazon-Nistrim, who had taken over the ship, Tuvok fashioned a bow and some arrows, prompting Chakotay to remark that his tribe never used bows and arrows and he had never personally fired one; Tuvok replied that he had made the bow for himself, and that he taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute for Defensive Arts. The bow and arrow was, presumably, previously unknown to the Hanonians, who were taken aback when Tuvok shot one of them in the chest, allowing Chakotay's search party to escape with Kes (who had been captured by the natives) before the natives recovered from their shock and gave chase. Tuvok's arrows proved considerably less effective against the Hanonian land eel in the cave into which he, Chakotay, and the others had fled from the natives. (VOY episode: "Basics, Part II")

Kestra Troi-Riker as a Viveen

Kestra Troi-Riker wielding a bow and arrow

In 2399, Kestra Troi-Riker wielded a bow and arrow while hunting bunnicorns, so that her father could make bunnicorn sausage. Her brother Thaddeus Troi-Riker had also practiced archery, and had owned a longbow and a compound bow. (PIC episode: "Nepenthe")

Archery equipment[]

  • Bow
  • Quiver

See also[]

  • Darts (Dart)
  • Dartboard

Known users[]

Types of bows[]

Oliver Queen as the Hood, the Arrow, and Green Arrow primarily uses his own customized bow. In the past, Oliver has used a recurve bow, too short for his form, and a longbow after his recurve bow was destroyed. He is also in possession of a pistol crossbow, outfitted for use as a grappling hook, which he rarely uses. Oliver had used a custom-made Oneida Kestrel compound bow until sometime after Adrian Chase's death in which he started using another recurve bow. His arrows are primarily green, and also has several trick arrows at his disposal.

He and Shado also used Yao Fei Gulong's longbow and arrows during his time on the island. Helena as the Huntress uses a handgun-sized crossbow due to her lack of training and precision in archery. Malcolm Merlyn as the Dark Archer used a customized compound-recurve bow. Roy Harper used a customized recurve bow as the vigilante Arsenal.

Typhuss James Kira used a customized recurve and a oneida kestrel compound bow as the vigilante The Red Arrow, Red Arrow and Green Arrow. His arrows are primarily green, and also has several trick arrows at his disposal.
