- For the instrument this item was inspired by, see Sonic device.
- For it's upgraded version, see Sonic bracelet.
The Canary Cry is a weapon created by Cisco Ramon for Laurel Lance that projects sonic waves when used. After Laurel's death, the device was stolen and used by Evelyn Sharp. Felicity Smoak later modified the Canary Cry into a bracelet for Sara Lance to use. Sara then gave the weapon to Dinah Drake, who'd lost her sonic scream.
After Laurel Lance approached Cisco Ramon to improve her sister Sara's sonic device, he refitted it to work in a collar, though more powerful; Cisco quadrupled the range of the sonic blast and tripled the resonance. In return, Laurel gave Cisco a picture of him and the Black Canary together.

Laurel using the Canary Cry
Laurel used the Canary Cry to attack and stun her opponents while in the field as Black Canary. She also took down opponents with special technological abilities; Curtis Holt once briefly adjusted the the Canary Cry's scream so Laurel could cancel out the frequency of Brie Larvan's robotic bees.
After Laurel's attack, the Canary Cry was stolen by an orphaned teenager named Evelyn Sharp, who modified it to work with her vocal cords and produce deadlier sonic waves. Evelyn began masquerading as Black Canary and used the Canary Cry in her crusade to kill anyone affiliated with H.I.V.E. in order to avenge her parents' deaths. After Green Arrow talked her out of killing Ruvé Adams, Evelyn dropped the Black Canary moniker, but still used the Canary Cry for her other vigilante activities in Star City.
Upon joining Team Arrow, Evelyn returned the Canary Cry to them.
A couple years later, Felicity Smoak upgraded the Canary Cry so the device could be worn around one's wrist, instead of their neck. During her brief return to the team, Sara Lance used the upgraded version of the Canary Cry briefly, but later gave it to Dinah Drake, who had lost her sonic scream.
Weapon specifications[]
- Sonic scream: Like the Sonic device, the user can utilize the cry to generate a sonic wave. Laurel attaches it onto her neck to produce a high frequency. The wave has proved to be potent enough to shatter glass and powerful enough to blast an adult male several feet through the air. It appears to be activated by the wearer's shriek (making it look like a sonic scream).
Known users[]
- Laurel Lance/Black Canary
- Laurel Lance (Earth-50)/Black Canary (formerly)
- Laurel Lance (Earth-51)/The Canary
- Evelyn Sharp/Black Canary (formerly)
- Laurel Lance (alternate reality)/Black Canary (formerly)
- Laurel Lance (Earth-203)/Black Canary
Behind the scenes[]
- The Canary Cry is the ability used by Black Canary in DC comic books and was showcased in various other media. Generally, the Canary Cry is initially portrayed as a magically-induced and later genetic ability that Black Canary was born with.
- In the original comics, Dinah Lance had her throat slit during a mission gone wrong with Green Arrow, subsequently losing her meta-human sonic scream due to the damage to her vocal cords. Afterwards, she was given a technological sonic device that could mimic her original abilities. Eventually however, Dinah's powers were restored after she was given access to a Lazarus Pit by Ra's al Ghul.
- The design of the Canary Cry weapon as a choker is a nod to Black Canary's classic costume.