Memory Delta Wiki

"Don't worry about the city, friend. CC SCIS's finest are on the case."
— Nora West-Allen to David Singh

The Central City SCIS Department (CC SCIS) is the SCIS department of Central City.


In late 2378, Barry Allen became a CSI at CC SCIS. Soon after Barry Allen joined, Ralph Dibny was fired from CC SCIS for tampering with evidence.

After Zoom had viciously and easily beat Barry, he dragged him here to show the station their fallen hero. They all fired at him, but he caught all the bullets with one hand, told them "nice try" and sped off.

Like on his Earth, Zoom's first move was to instill fear and dread in law enforcement. When Zoom appeared, the officers pulled guns on him and Captain Singh told him not to move, but he fearlessly replied, "or what", and reminded them what happened before when they tried to shoot at him. He told them to obey him or whoever didn't would meet their end. He held Caitlin captive for a little while, but eventually let her go but warned her he'd show her no mercy if she left him.

In 2392, Joe West was made captain of CC SCIS. CSI Barry Allen was given the medal of valour at a press conference.


The Central City SCIS Department is a symmetrical building, divided into five major sections and a lobby overlooking the front street. The outside walls of the building are cream, while the walls inside are white.

Barry's lab[]

Before creating Flashpoint and then reversing it, Barry worked here alone, where he went over meta and non-meta criminal cases he assisted the police with at the scene. Though after reversing Flashpoint, Julian was given a position, he and Barry have shared this lab for over a year.  Due to Julian's expertise in meta-humans, Barry wanted to tag along with him on the scene to get to the bottom of a case, but Julian didn't say yes until Barry gave up the whole lab to Julian, but after seeing that he misjudged the Flash, he thought maybe he could be wrong about Barry too and said he could stay. 

After getting attacked by Barry's friend, Caitlin, Julian said he wouldn't report her but only if Barry resigned, to which Barry agreed, but during Christmas Julian said he could come back. Since coming back from the Speed Force and Julian returned to London, Barry now has the lab all to himself again. However, after being suspended due to his involvement with the DeVoe case he loses the lab, apparently until Captain Singh was allowed to end Barry's suspension after Iris West did an exposé on Clifford DeVoe on her blog.

Known members[]

Current members[]

  • Detective Addie
  • CSI Barry Allen
  • Officer Anderson
  • Officer Certo
  • Officer Doyle
  • Police union representative Darrel Frye
  • Officer Gibbons
  • Detective Tom Patterson
  • Scientific Advisor Cisco Ramon
  • Chief David Singh
  • Officer Otto Unrau
  • Officer Vukuvich
  • Captain Joe West
  • Officer Calum Wiere

Former members[]

  • CSI Julian Albert (left to return to London)
  • Officer Anthony Bellows (left for a career in politics; incarcerated)
  • Detective Fred Chyre (deceased)
  • Detective Ralph Dibny (fired for tampering with evidence)
  • Detective Dinah Drake (left after her partner supposedly died)
  • Captain Julio Mendez (Flashpoint timeline; deceased in Post-Flashpoint)
  • Officer Lewis Snart (turned rogue; deceased)
  • Detective Vincent Sobel (deceased)
  • Detective Patty Spivot (left to become a CSI)
  • Detective Eddie Thawne (deceased)
  • Officer Ben West (retired; status unknown)
  • Officer Jones (incarcerated)
  • Officer Malcolm Merlyn (altered reality; deceased in regular reality)
  • Officer Ricardo Diaz (altered reality; deceased in regular reality)
  • Officer Joe Wilson (altered reality)
  • CSI Intern Nora West-Allen (erased from existence)

Erased future members[]

  • Detective Curtis

Erased future former members[]

  • CSI Lia Nelson (deceased)
  • CSI Nora West-Allen (erased from existence)


  • In Nora's 2449, the CC SCIS has technology akin to force fields to help prevent contamination of evidence; with gloves gone out of use.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The building used for the CCPD is the Vancouver City Hall, located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Greco-Roman relief[]

  • The relief has been confirmed by Tyler Harron, head production designer of The Flash, as being an allusion to the Justice League. The seven deities each denote one of the seven members of the Justice League; Hermes is synonymous with the Flash, Zeus with Superman, Hera with Wonder Woman, Hades with Batman, Hephaestus with either Green Lantern or Cyborg, Apollo with Green Arrow. Meanwhile, the words "Truth, Liberty and Justice" reference the heroes Wonder Woman, Superman and Batman, in that order.