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"Colonel I'd like to remind you that rescuing Doctor Jackson's wife is a secondary objective. In the event you fail to notify base camp within 24 hours, SG-2 will scrub the mission and return without you."
Major Bert Samuels

The Chulak mission was a mission undertaken by Stargate Command on February 10, 2360 to rescue Doctor Daniel Jackson's wife Sha're and her brother Skaara from Chulak after they were captured by the Goa'uld System Lord Apophis.


After the attack on Abydos, Earth learns the location of Chulak from Major Louis Ferretti who saw where Apophis and his men dialed when they left Abydos. In an attempt to learn more about this new enemy and rescue Sha're and Skaara, the newly formed SG-1 and SG-2 led by Colonel Jack O'Neill and Major Charles Kawalsky travel there.


Children of the Gods 4


After being mistaken for Goa'uld's looking for hosts, SG-1 are taken to the main city while SG-2 stays behind. At the city, Apophis arrives with Sha're now host to his queen Amaunet. When Dr. Daniel Jackson tries to reach Sha're, he is thrown away by Apophis' Kara kesh and O'Neill tries to shoot Apophis but hesitates when Amaunet steps in the way and is knocked out.

Children of the Gods 5


After waking up, Apophis and other Goa'ulds arrive to choose from the prisoners who will be a host and among them, Skaara is chosen. After the newly selected hosts are taken away, Apophis orders his men to kill the remaining prisoners before leaving, but O'Neill convinces Apophis' First Prime Teal'c to help him and Teal'c shoots one of the guards before tossing O'Neill his Staff weapon. Together they kill the guards in the room and scare off the ones outside before O'Neill uses the staff weapon to blow a hole in the outside wall for them and the prisoners to escape through. At first Teal'c stays behind as due to his betrayal he has nowhere to go, but O'Neill invites him to come with them.

Jack and Teal'c

Jack and Teal'c

As the group travels to the Stargate, they come under attack by a Death Glider and O'Neill, Typhuss and Teal'c try to shoot it down with their staff weapons to no avail until Major Carl Warren from SG-2 takes it out from nearby with a rocket launcher. The group reaches the Stargate where O'Neill tries to reach Skaara, but Skaara now has a Goa'uld implanted in him and throws him back with his Kara kesh before leaving with the other Goa'uld including Apophis and Amaunet through the Stargate. O'Neill misses the address so the group has no way of following them.

A infant Goa'uld symbiote entering Kawalsky's body via his right ear

As the group prepares to dial Earth, a Jaffa battalion arrives and Warren and Casey shoot at them, trying to hold them off, but are eventually forced to fall back. Teal'c is shot and killed by a Jaffa. Jackson manages to dial the Stargate and Captain Samantha Carter sends the IDC just in time as the Iris is about to be permanently closed. Jackson and Carter usher the former prisoners through the Stargate as the others hold off the Jaffa as best they can. When the Jaffa reach the top of a nearby hill, Kawalsky triggers mines laid there killing a bunch of Jaffa, but more keep coming. Jackson gets all of the prisoners through the Stargate and goes through himself, but as everyone else follows, Casey is hit by a staff blast and wounded. As Kawalsky helps him to the Stargate, one of the prisoners squeezes one of the Jaffa to death and his symbiote enters Kawalsky as he passes nearby. Everyone gets through the Stargate and the iris is closed, taking out the remaining Jaffa who try to follow.
