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The Clone Rebellion was a mass scale rebellion that took place during the 2390s. It was started by a squad of ARC troopers who believed that New Der'kal Empire was their enemy that Order 66 was a false enemy message. Believing that they were not enemies of the Empire, they disobeyed orders upon finding out the message was a command to kill all power-sensitives, ordered by Emperor Palpatine himself. The rebellion was supported by Kamino, what surviving power-sensitives were left and the hiding Wookiee clans on Kashyyyk.


The Beginning[]

The Rebellion represented the survival of power-sensitives, so its symbol was one close to the Order. ARC commander Vaux, and Captain Blaist ordered the gathering, drafting and fighting of all those truly loyal to the casue. Many rebels on Kashyyyk, Felucia, Coruscant and Utapau, managed to break off taking whatever power-sensitives they could find. Delta 34th of the Homeworld Security Command reached the Temple before Vader and a legion of clone troopers. Acting quick they successful evacuated many young power-sensitives, and Padawans. They could have taken more, if they had not been suspected of treason and betrayal themselves. Those who stayed behind chose their fate, however. Within days most of the rebels had assembled on Dantooine, far from the eyes of the Der'kal Empire.

Operation: Ironside[]

Vaux set out with Delta 34th, and Alpha 67th to rescue those rebels and survivors behind the new Imperial blockades. His first target was Tatooine, where a number of rebels had been caught by the Empire. TAG troopers also assisted them. These were new soldiers who had sworn their lives to the Republic, but had seen it end to soon. TAG troopers began helping the Rebellion prosper. Ironside' main objective was to rescue the rebels on Tatooine. The battle that progressed was vicious. The city of Mos Eisley was thrown into disarray, littered with chaos and fighting. However, in the carnage Delta 34th rescued the rebels and made away with most of them. Alpha 67th were less successful, ordered to bring down the Imperial forces there. They were hit hard and very little made it out alive.

The First Orbital Battle[]

The Rebellion managed to invade the Kuat Drive Yards and steal several flagships. The Empire was afraid that secret trade routes and better resources could be given to the Rebellion with the possession of a fleet. Several Imperial Star Destroyers were dispatched to eliminate the threats roaming the Outer Rim Territory. Commodore Fedias of the Rebellion miscalculated a hyperspace route, ending the Rebel Fleet only two miles away from the Imperial Star Destroyers. Within minutes a chase was on, but the faster TIE Bombers began circling the Rebel Fleet and destroying preliminary engine-feeds. After two hours the fleet was surrounded by Star Destroyers.

Clone units[]

Infantry forces[]


Ground, aerial forces and aquatic forces[]

Ground vehicles[]

  • All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)
  • All Terrain Heavy Enforcer (AT-HE)
  • All Terrain Open Transport (AT-OT)
  • All Terrain Experimental Transport (AT-XT)
  • All Terrain Attack Pod (AT-AP)
  • All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST)
  • All Terrain Scout Transport/Assault (AT-ST/A)
  • Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport (UT-AT)
  • Clone Personal Walker
  • Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery (SPHA-T)
  • Heavy Assault Vehicle/wheeled A6 Juggernaut (HAV/w A6 Juggernaut)
  • Republic Artillery Gun
  • Heavy Artillery Gun (HAG)
  • Ground Armored Tank (GAT)
  • IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank
  • TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank
  • Infantry Support Platform (ISP)
  • 74-Z speeder bike

Aerial vehicles[]

Aquatic vehicles[]

  • Aquatic Terrain Armored Trransport (AT-AT swimmer)
  • Manta droid subfighter
  • Crab Cannon
  • Ostracoda-class gunboat
  • Imperial destroyer

Capital ship classes[]

Space station[]

  • Space station


  • Executor-class Star Dreadnought
  • Sovereign-class Star Dreadnought
  • Lucrehulk-class battleship
  • Keldabe-class battleship
  • Viscount-class Star Defender


  • Allegiance-class battlecruiser
  • Bulwark-class battlecruiser
  • Separatist cruiser

Star Destroyers[]

Assault ships[]

  • Acclamator I-class assault ship
  • Acclamator II-class assault ship


  • Munificent-class star frigate
  • Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser
  • Trade Federation missile frigate


  • Trade Federation super freighter


  • Consular-class space cruiser
  • CR90 corvette


  • Trade Federation droid bomber
  • Scarab-class droid starfighter
  • Mankvim-814 light interceptor
  • Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter
  • Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter
  • V-19 Torrent starfighter

Patrol starfighters[]

  • N-X Police Cruiser


  • Kappa-class shuttle
  • Theta-class T-2c shuttle
  • Lambda-class T-4a shuttle

Landing crafts[]

  • Sentinel-class landing craft


  • Trandoshan dropship
  • CR20 troop carrier
  • CR25 troop carrier

Known ships[]

  • Captivator
  • Freedom Bringer
  • Force-One
  • Guarlara
  • Implacable
  • Munificent
  • Missing
  • VCD987

Military and Navy[]

Main article: Clone Rebellion Military
Main article: Clone Army
Main article: Clone Rebellion Navy

They had quite a large military and navy with the help of Kamino and Kuat who helped create Clone troopers, ships and vehicles. There large amounts of numbers combined with tactical positions won them many battles against the New Der'kal Empire. They have 1500 ships and 1200 starfighters in the rebellion.
