The Confederation Corps was the military force of the Confederation of Earth. This force was active in every quadrant of the galaxy. Their mission profile was to seek out and subjugate "savage" civilizations, conquer war-like alien worlds, and increase the wealth and resources of the Confederation.
In 2401, this force was engaged on multiple fronts in the Andorian Rebellion, the Dominion Alliance War, the Cardassian Resistance, and the Vulcan War. Past conflicts included the conquests of Andoria, Cardassia, Romulus, and Qo'noS and the Romulan uprising.
One of their greatest leaders was General Jean-Luc Picard. With the crew of his warship CSS World Razer, he conquered the many enemies of the Confederation. He killed Gul Dukat, Director Sarek, and General Martok and later displayed their skulls in a room at his home in France. (PIC episode: "Penance")