Memory Delta Wiki
Corvette class
Corvette class 1
Craft image
Affiliation: United Earth,
Military Assault Command Operations
Classification: Jump jet
Short-term assault plane
Service period: 22nd century
Length: N/A
Width: N/A
Height: N/A
Capacity: 6
Armaments: Plasma cannons
Air-to-shore missiles
Defences: Hull polarisation

The Corvette class is a specialized Earth plane design type that is typically used as a transport for small groups of MACO field agents.


Technical data[]


The class is capable of docking mid-flight with other aerial vehicles such as a Bus class command plane.


The class features four fusion breathing aft facing truster units attached to the wings which are capable of adjusting their angle thus enabling vertical take off and landing.

It is also very maneuverable with it being able to dodge missiles with ease.


Weapon systems[]

Plasma cannons[]

The class is armed with one forward mounted plasma cannon kept in the nose of the ship that fires bolts of red phased nadion particle discharge at a target.


It is secondly armed with one ventral mounted torpedo launch bay that shoots out self-propelled missiles equipped for air-to-shore transport capability with an explosive warhead.

Defensive systems[]

  • Hull polarisation In lieu of regular deflector shields, they incorporate a polarization matrix in its hull plating to minimize potential damage from weapons fire and other space hazards. Through the application of electromagnetic power, the metal hull of the ship can be made several orders of magnitude harder than it is in its non-polarized state.

