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For other uses, see Crossfield.
Crossfield class
Discovery-A Eaglemoss
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Type: science vessel (spearhead)
Service period: 3180s, 2410s
(time travel)
Crew: 88-89
Maximum speed: instantaneous displacement
Cruising speed: warp speed
Armaments: 32nd century phaser beam bank/arrays,
photon torpedo launchers
Defences: Deflector shields
Systems: cloaking device,
detached nacelles,
programmable matter, DOT-7 and DOT-23 robots
Auxiliary craft: Class C shuttlecraft, Book's ship
Crossfield refit ortho

The Crossfield class was a 32nd century Federation starship type, a tier 6 science spearhead refit of the 23rd century Crossfield-class science vessel in Starfleet service from the late 3180s decade. The first vessel of this configuration was the time-displaced USS Discovery (NCC-1031). (DSC episode: "Scavengers")

History and specifications[]

The 2250s-era Crossfield-class science vessel Discovery travelled from the year 2258 to the future to prevent the rogue AI Control from seizing the sphere data and eradicating all organic life in the galaxy. Discovery arrived in 3189. Although the vessel was technologically outdated, Fleet Admiral Charles Vance reinstated Discovery as a Starfleet vessel when it proved the capacity of its spore drive during the rescue of the seed vault ship USS Tikhov-M. (DSC episode: "Die Trying")

While docked at Federation Headquarters, Discovery spent three weeks undergoing a refit. The 88 surviving crewmembers received current Starfleet equipment, and programmable matter was integrated into the ship's systems. Captain Saru noted that even its warp nacelles were now detached, to improve maneuverability. The vessel also received the new registry number NCC-1031-A. (DSC episode: "Scavengers")

Like the 25th century Glenn-class refit of the 23rd century Crossfield-class, the modern refit lacked the spokes between the ring segments of the saucer section, and the deflector dish was replaced with its modern counterpart.

The vessel was now armed with 32nd century phaser arrays and photon torpedo launchers typical of the era.

Starfleet ships of this era were equipped with a 32nd century Federation cloaking device.

The Discovery-A was captured by Minister Osyraa of the Emerald Chain, a cartel hostile to the surviving Federation. (DSC episode: "Su'Kal")

With its improved deflector shields, Discovery withstood concentrated fire of the Federation starships docked at Federation HQ during Osyraa's Trojan horse gambit. (DSC episode: "There Is A Tide...")

Michael Burnham 3189

Captain Michael Burnham

Starfleet recaptured the Discovery and the Emerald Chain splintered following Osyraa's death. With Saru on a sabbatical on Kaminar, Vance appointed Michael Burnham as commanding officer. Discovery's mission was to escort deliveries of dilithium to Federation and non-Federation worlds and facilities. (DSC episode: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")

Due to time travel, the Discovery-A or another version of itself visited Khitomer Alliance space in the year 2411, and the Allied Fleet Service gained access to the Crossfield-class science spearhead refit.

Known vessels[]



Crossfield-class starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration AndromedaCrossfieldGlennDiscoveryStamets (imaginary)USS Indepedence 24th century icon image. Seal of Federation Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Glenn-subclass: Glenn32nd century refit: Discovery-A
Terran Empire Starfleet
(mirror universe)
standard configuration CrossfieldDiscovery Terran Empire emblem. icon image.