Memory Delta Wiki
Ship image
Affiliation: Federation,
Type: Heavy science cruiser
Heavy cruiser
Service period: 29th century
Length: N/A
Width: N/A
Height: N/A
Mass: N/A
Decks: 45
Crew: N/A
Speed: Warp speed
Impulse speed
Armaments: Plasma torpedoes
Phaser arrays
Defences: Deflector shields
Cloaking device
D'deridex class 2 (29th century)

The D'deridex class is a Federation starship design type operated by Starfleet during a possible version of the 29th century.


Technical data[]


  • Tractor beam generators: The class features eight tractor beam emitters that project beams of attenuated gravity at a target thus allowing the manipulation of its trajectory.

Weapon systems[]

It is armed with a number of phaser banks consisting of strip emitters that fire pulsed beams of nadion particle discharge at a target. It fields arrays in every quadrant of the ship giving it 360 degrees of coverage.


The class is secondly armed with two torpedo launch banks that shoot out self-propelled torpedoes each equipped with plasma warheads.

It's complement of which is 400.

Defensive systems[]

  • Deflector shields: It possesses advanced deflector shield generators that create a bubble of layered energetic distortion infused with gravitons. This facilitates the absorption of kinetic impacts and energy discharge.

Stealth systems[]

It features a highly advanced cloaking device of Voth origin that works by moving the ship slightly out of phase with the space-time continuum thus making them imperceptible.

Life support[]

  1. Oxygen generators
  2. Inertial dampeners
  3. Gravity plating
  4. Heat shield
  5. Radiation shield

Energy generation[]

The ship is powered by three fusion reactors, fueled by deuterium, which utilises a nuclear fusion process to generate energised plasma.

It is equipped with a warp core generating power through a matter x antimatter reaction that releases pure energy through photonic explosions that is then fed to FTL systems.



The ship possessed a Hyper-impulse drive which was essentially a assembly of augmented fusion rockets, consisting of one or more fusion reactors, a coil assembly, and vectored thrust nozzles to direct the plasma exhaust.


It is equipped with a warp drive allowing faster than light speeds that works by generating warp fields to form a subspace bubble that enveloped the starship, distorting the local spacetime continuum and moving the starship at velocities that could greatly exceed the speed of light.

The maximum speed is warp factor 9.95 with a cruising velocity of warp 6.

Embarked support crafts[]

  1. Two Delta class
  2. Eight Argo class
  3. Three Talon class

