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Danielle Martin
Danielle Martin
Senator Danielle Martin in the 2380s
Full name: Danielle Sarah Martin
Nickname(s): Danny
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 5.6kg
Eye color: brown
Hair color: blonde
Homeworld: Earth
Birthplace: San Diego, California, Earth
Born: March 14th, 2339
Affiliation: Federation
Mother: Maria Martin
Father: James Martin
Sibling(s): John Martin
Elizabeth Martin
Brianna Martin,
Brandon Martin
Marital Status: Single
Other relatives: Kelly Martin,
Felix Martin,
Ezri Dax
(sister in law)
Occupation: Senator
Assignment: Senator,
Federation Supreme Court
Preceded By: Alan Armstrong

Senator Danielle Martin is a female human that lives in the 24th century and who is the Senator to the Federation Supreme Court, who is the sister of both John Martin, Elizabeth Martin, Brandon Martin and Brianna Martin, the daughter of James Martin and Maria Martin.


Early life[]

Danielle Martin was born on March 14th, 2339 in San Diego, California on Earth to both Maria and James Martin she had a great childhood and played with her four siblings, and she was proud of her parents for being Starfleet officers and she wanted to help out one day. At the age of 16 she attended high school and learned about political side of the Federation and what needs to be done and she graduated high school at the age of 18, and finally, Danielle attended to Ivy Tech Community College in Lafayette, Indiana for two short years and she graduated when she was 20 in 2359.

Political career[]

Vice Senator[]

From 2360 to 2381 she was a vice senator to every senator that came to the building she's said that her favorite Senator that she's served that she enjoyed was Senator Alan Armstrong, before he died she attended the trip to the Icarus Base to gather notes on how to make decisions as a Senator and when the base was attacked she and half a dozen were beamed to the USS Daedalus. When Colonel Young informed Homeworld Command that Senator Armstrong was dead she was next in line to replace him as Senator.


From 2381 to present, Senator Martin is doing great as a Senator and plans to prove to the rest that she's not a flash in the pan and she got special treatment from Senator Armstrong.

Personal life[]


