Memory Delta Wiki

The Devarim rags are a set of rags typically worn as a suit, that granted the user mystical powers. They were used by Rory Regan, otherwise known as Ragman.



  • Mystical rag manipulation: Its user could control the numerous rags that compose his suit. While seemingly fragile and decaying, the rags were able to grip, lift and throw human beings with ease. Their width varied and while rags could be launched from the user's hands, they could come off any part of his suit.
  • Identity concealment: The user's identity was concealed while wearing the Rags, appearing as a mystical ghostly figure, real face unseen.
  • Voice modulation: Its user's voice was mystically distorted while they wore the suit to sound like there were numerous whispers, having no control over it. While it could serve as identity concealment, it could also be seen as a means of intimidation. Their voice, however, returned to normal if they removed the rags that concealed their face.



Season 8[]

  • "Fadeout"