Memory Delta Wiki
Dusty Mehra
Character image.
Dusty Mehra in 2384
Full name: Dusty Mehra
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Earth
Birthplace: Earth
Affiliation: Federation,
Starfleet Marine Corps,
Atlantis Expedition
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Starfleet Marine officer
Assignment: Member of Teldy's Atlantis Reconnaissance Team
Rank: Sergeant
Insignia: Atlantis Expedition patch.

Dusty Mehra is a female Human who is a Sergeant and a member of Major Anne Teldy's team and thus a member of the Atlantis Expedition in its fifth year of operation.



She came to the Pegasus Galaxy in the hopes of fighting "major alien bad guys", in other words, the Wraith, since she thought there wasn't much to do in the Milky Way since the Ori were defeated. She often seems very determined and straight. In 2384, she and her team were investigating a planet when they came across a Wraith lab containing Michael's experiments. Teldy felt she needed assistance, and called in Colonel John Sheppard, Captain Typhuss James Kira and Dr. Carson Beckett, who had first hand experience with Michael's work. She also participated in defeating the experiments. (SGA: "Whispers")


In 2392, Sergeant Mehra was one of many expedition members involved in the alliance with Replicator Weir. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "This Mortal Coil")


In 2394, Sergeant Mehra was one of many expedition members involved in the conflict with Colonel Jones of the Genii. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Working Together")
