Memory Delta Wiki
Starbase 1 (alternate reality)
Type of Facility: space station
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Constructed: 23rd and 24 centuries
Deep Space E-5

The E class was a Federation space station type, a starbase and spacedock in Starfleet service in the 23rd and 24 centuries. The design was used both in the primary universe and the Kelvin timeline. (TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek, TOS - Spock: Reflections comic: "Issue 3", ST video game: Trexels mission: "Skirmish")

History and specifications[]

The primary hull of an E-class station consisted of central sphere that was larger than most starships found docking at such a starbase. A ring was attached to the sphere in a low orbit, and six equidistant docking arms extended from that ring. The docking arms terminated in flat disks, reminiscent of starship saucer sections. Ships were found docked on the disks. (TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek)

Service history[]

Around stardate 73XX.6 (circa 2270), E-class Space Station Battle Group 2 served as base of operations for Battle Group 2, providing docking and repair facilities. Ships returning damaged from encounters could be repaired by workbees. (ST video game: Trexels missions: "Skirmish")

In 2371, Deep Space Station E-5 serviced ships at the midpoint between the Romulan Neutral Zone and Sector 001. (TOS - Spock: Reflections comic: "Issue 3")

Kelvin timeline[]

In the Kelvin timeline, the Federation Starfleet Starbase 1 was operational as early as 2258. (TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek)

In 2262, Starbase Savitskaya was the site of a multi-faction battle in the Spectrum War. (TOS - The Spectrum War comic: "Issue 5")

Six months later, Deep Space Station K-5 was destroyed in a meteor shower. (TOS - Stranger Worlds comic: "Issue 1")

Known stations[]

E-class space stations
Federation, Starfleet Deep Space Station E-5Space Station Battle Group 2see also: E-class UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Federation, Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
Deep Space Station K-5Starbase 1Starbase Savitskaya UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.