Memory Delta Wiki
For the primary universe counterpart, see Earth.
For the alternate mirror universe counterpart, see Earth (AMU).
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Earth (mirror).
Earth from orbit.
Earth from orbit
Alternate name(s): Terra, Sol III
Classification: Class M planet
Affiliation: Terran Empire
Location: Sol system, Alpha Quadrant
Moon(s): Luna
Dominant Species: Terran
Warp Capable: 2063
Population: 9 billion
Capital: Rome
Gravity: 1.0G
Diameter: 12,742 kilometers
Equatorial circumference: 40,075 kilometers
Length of day: 24 hours
Land mass percentage: 29%

In the dark mirror universe, Earth is the capital planet of a strong militaristic governmental authority known as the Terran Empire.

It is an M-Class planet, and the third world located in the Sol system, and also the homeworld to a humanoid race in this universe called themselves Terrans.

The city of Rome became the planet's capital of the Empire.

It has one moon, Luna.

It is often called Terra, its Latin name, by many non-Terrans throughout the Empire. The term Terran can't refer to Humanity in general, to things related to Earth, or specifically to its citizens.
