Memory Delta Wiki

Elizabeth Lochley
Elizabeth 2
Elizabeth Lochley in 2390
Full name: Elizabeth Lochley
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Earth
Birthplace: Earth
Born: March 5th, 2345
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Marital Status: Dating
Spouse(s): Evan Lourne
Occupation: Starfleet officer
Previous Assignment: Assistant tactical officer,
USS Daedalus
Assignment: Commanding officer,
USS Crusade
Rank: Captain
Insignia: Badge image. Rank insignia.

Elizabeth Lochley is a female human Starfleet officer in the 24th century and became the commanding officer of the newest Victory class destroyer USS Crusade, and who was chosen by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway to take command of the starship. (Star Trek: Crusade)


Early life[]

In 2359, Elizabeth ran away from home to escape her abusive alcoholic of a father. Living rough, squatting in abandoned buildings, she became a heavy drinker and drug abuser alongside Zoe, a fellow homeless girl who took to calling her "Lizzy". Becoming fast friends, the pair lived together inside an old, burnt out hotel. While they had a good time together, they were often cold, sick and hungry. One day Lochley came back to the apartment to find Zoe's body swarming with cockroaches on the bathroom floor, dead from choking on her own vomit as a result of a drug overdose. Calling her mother, about ten hours later her father showed up with half a dozen MACOs from his platoon to take her home. After that incident, Elizabeth stopped the drinking and drugs, enlisting in Starfleet at the age of 19.

Starfleet career[]

Starfleet Academy[]

From 2364 to 2368, Elizabeth went into the command division at the Academy she enjoyed her classes and she was very hard at work to become a great Starfleet Captain one day like Captain Hikaru Sulu, Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and Captain Kathryn Janeway, and she graduated in 2368.

USS Daedalus[]

USS Crusade[]

Personal life[]

Starfleet service record[]

location assignment dates rank or rate assignment insignia rank insignia
Starfleet Academy student officer 2364-2368 cadet Assignment badge. Red Cadet1 2364
USS Daedalus assistant tactical officer 2384-2390 ensign, lieutenant junior grade, lieutenant, lieutenant commander, commander Assignment badge. Yel Ens 2373 Yel Lt jg 2373 Yel Lt 2373 Yel Lcdr 2400s Yel Cmdr 2400s
USS Crusade commanding officer 2390-present captain Badge image. Rank insignia.

