Memory Delta Wiki
Memory Delta Wiki

The Emerald Chain was a 32nd century organized crime cartel, a syndicate operated by the Andorians and Orions in the Milky Way galaxy's Beta Quadrant.

In the 3180s decade, it was led by the Orion woman Osyraa. The Emerald Chain's activities were a thorn in the side of the remnant Starfleet until their fracturing as a result of Osyraa's death.





Personnel associated with the Emerald Chain wore a brown, leathery uniform adorned with as bagde-version of the Chain's insignia. The individual cut and patterning of the clothing varied between high-ranked members. In combat engagements, Chain personnel whore white, furry sweaters.


In 3189, the territory of the Emerald Chain was denoted on a holographic star chart of the galaxy at UFP HQ. Andoria and Orion were located within this territory which was nearby the sol system and Ni'var.

The Emerald Chain controlled numerous mercantile exchanges, such as the Mercantile on Hima, where courier and other commercial transactions took place. They also ran a private salvage yard on Hunhau, operated by debt slave laborers working under brutal conditions.

Bajor was known to be under their jurisdiction as well as Cardassia, Luria, a Coridanite Colony (formerly), Kweijan (formerly) and around 50 other planets in various star systems.

Member species[]


In 3189, the Emerald Chain operated on the basis of a charter. It was led by an Orion woman named Osyraa, who held the title of Minister, and by a Congress empowered to amend its charter.

Enforcement agents of the Emerald Chain were known as regulators, while scientists in their service received the title of invigilator.

Fleet analysis[]

Starship classes[]
