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Memory Delta Wiki

The Emergency Engineering Hologram (EEH) was a sophisticated hologram that was designed for use as an emergency engineer during the late 24th century.

By late century, EEH programs, as well as variations on the "emergency" theme, were all incorporated into the customizable Emergency Hologram basic installation. Such packages were available on board Kaplan F17 Speed Freighters. (PIC episodes: "Absolute Candor", "The Impossible Box")


Memory Gamma version[]

The Emergency Engineering Hologram (EEH) was a development from the Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) and the extension Emergency Command and Conn Hologram (ECCH) concepts.


The EEH was developed simultaneously with the Emergency Command and Conn Hologram in 2380, after tests have shown that the Engineering department of a Starfleet facility or starship would benefit from an emergency holographic program as much as a Starfleet sickbay or infirmary did with the EMH.


Essentially, the EEH was a "backup chief engineer", intended to assume responsibility for the repair and maintenance of all ship's or station's systems in the event that the current engineering crew would be incapacitated for some reason. The EEH possesses over 4 million engineering subroutines from the engineering databases of all the leading Chief Engineers in Starfleet, and could incorporate them into its plans for the performance of its tasks.



Photonic and holographic personnel
Emergency holographic programs positions Command (ECH)ConnCounselingEngineeringHospitality (EHH)Medical (EMH) (25th century EMH Mk I) • Navigational (ENH)R&D (Energy Weapons OfficerMatter-Antimatter SpecialistQuartermaster) • Security (ESH) (Security Gorn (ESG)) • Tactical (Holo Leeta) • Entertainment (OrionVulcan) • Hamlet programsholographic bridge officers (TOS • DS9 • others) • holographic Exocomps (holographic combat drone) • Long-term Medical (LMH)personal Karemma trader UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
notable versions and variants Medical Android (EMA)EmmetEmmettHolo Leeta (Dabo LeetaMirror Admiral) • Diagnostic Program ("Dr. Zimmerman")The DoctorMedical Consultant Program (MCP, Beta-1)Photonic Engineering Officer CandidatePhotonic Tactical Officer CandidateVic FontaineThe Warden
notable templates organic templates Julian Bashir (LMH) • LeetaCrell Moset (MCP) • Lewis Zimmerman (EMH • Diagnostic)
synthetic templates ExocompsThe Doctor (25th century EMH Mk I) • Vic Fontaine (Counseling) UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.