Memory Delta Wiki

Emily Roberts
Character image.
Emily Roberts
Full name: Emily Roberts
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 6″
Weight: 123lbs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Homeworld: Earth
Birthplace: Earth
Born: 2333
Affiliation: Federation
Mother: Kim Roberts
Father: Tom Roberts
Sibling(s): Typhuss J. Kira
Tess Roberts
Sarah Roberts
Kate Roberts
Marital Status: Single
Other relatives: Karina Roberts
Jane Roberts
Allison Roberts

Emily Roberts is a female Human who lives in the 24th century, she is the daughter of Tom Roberts and Kim Roberts, the biological sister of Typhuss James Kira and the sister of Tess Roberts, Sarah Roberts, Kate Roberts and the cousin of Karina Roberts.
