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Emergency Tactical Hologram.
Full name: Emmet
Species: Hologram
(Human in appearance)
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Cristóbal Rios
Occupation: Tactical officer
Original purpose: Short-term advanced tactical assistance during emergencies

Emmet was a sophisticated Emergency Tactical Hologram used during the late 24th century by Captain Cristóbal Rios aboard La Sirena.

Emmet was programmed to look like a tattooed, messy-haired version of Rios that primarily spoke Spanish. (PIC episode: "Absolute Candor")



Photonic and holographic personnel
Emergency holographic programs positions Command (ECH)ConnCounselingEngineeringHospitality (EHH)Medical (EMH) (25th century EMH Mk I) • Navigational (ENH)R&D (Energy Weapons OfficerMatter-Antimatter SpecialistQuartermaster) • Security (ESH) (Security Gorn (ESG)) • Tactical (Holo Leeta) • Entertainment (OrionVulcan) • Hamlet programsholographic bridge officers (TOS • DS9 • others) • holographic Exocomps (holographic combat drone) • Long-term Medical (LMH)personal Karemma trader UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
notable versions and variants Medical Android (EMA)EmmetEmmettHolo Leeta (Dabo LeetaMirror Admiral) • Diagnostic Program ("Dr. Zimmerman")The DoctorMedical Consultant Program (MCP, Beta-1)Photonic Engineering Officer CandidatePhotonic Tactical Officer CandidateVic FontaineThe Warden
notable templates organic templates Julian Bashir (LMH) • LeetaCrell Moset (MCP) • Lewis Zimmerman (EMH • Diagnostic)
synthetic templates ExocompsThe Doctor (25th century EMH Mk I) • Vic Fontaine (Counseling) UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.