Memory Delta Wiki
For the primary universe counterpart, see Empok Nor.
Empok Nor
Empok Nor mirror
Class: Nor-class space station/shipyard
Type of Facility: space station
Affiliation: Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
(24th century),
Terran Rebellion
Terran Empire
(25th century)
Location: Trivas system,
Alpha Quadrant
Constructed: 24th century
Status: Destroyed (2375) / Active (2411)

In the mirror universe, Empok Nor was a Cardassian-built Nor-class space station, located in the Trivas system, that was stripped of technology and abandoned by its Klingon-Cardassian Alliance controllers. However, three Cardassian soldiers were left as sentries and would alert the Alliance should anyone illegally access the station. Others in the Alliance referred it as "punishment detail" for unimportant or disgraced soldiers and ignored Empok Nor completely. (DS9 - Mirror Universe novel: Saturn's Children)


In the year 2375, soldiers of the Terran Rebellion boarded the station and, with no answer from their distress call to Terok Nor (which had been in rebel hands since 2372, the sentries were killed and the station captured. Rebellion Generals Zek and Julian Bashir, defying orders from their leader, General Miles "Smiley" O'Brien, to construct twelve individual ship-contruction facilities, instead turned Empok Nor's docking ring into a massive shipyard for the purpose of making Defiant-class warships for a future attack on the Alliance homeworlds of Cardassia and Qo'noS. However, the Rebels drastically overestimated the station's structural integrity as it had neither weapon arrays or defensive screens to protect itself against an attack. Furthermore, the station's power core was taxed to the limit to power the industrial replicators being used to construct the warships, making it dangerously unstable. When the IKS Ya'Vang, under the command of Captain Kurn attacked the station, the fusion core exploded, destroying the station, the warships and resulted in the deaths of many rebels. (DS9 - Mirror Universe novel: Saturn's Children)

In a permutation of the mirror universe where the rebels' plan succeeded, Empok Nor was controlled by the resurgent Terran Empire in the early 25th century. From 2410 onwards, Empok Nor was one of the Terran starbases transported to the Badlands of the primary universe to build a staging point. The attacks were led by Admiral Leeta from the ISS Enterprise-F. The Alpha Quadrant Alliance succeeded in pushing the Terrans back into their own realm. (STO mission: "Badlands Battlezone")



Nor-class space stations
Cardassian Union, Central Command Empok NorLitvok NorOpek NorSentok NorTantok NorTerok NorSintak Nor Emblem of the Cardassian Union.
Federation, Starfleet Battle Group 1Empok NorDeep Space 9 UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
(mirror universe)
Alliance NorElvok NorEmpok NorTerok NorSintak NorTantok Nor Emblem of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.
Terran Rebellion
(mirror universe)
Empok NorTerok Nor Emblem of the Terran Rebellion.
Terran Empire
(mirror universe)
Empok NorTerok Nor Emblem of the Terran Empire.
Klingon Empire
(alternate reality)
Dugh naHjej Emblem of the Klingon Empire
(Kelvin timeline)
Terok Nor Emblem of the Dominion
Bajoran Empire
Terran Empire
(dark mirror universe)
Deep Space 9 Emblem of the Bajoran Empire. Emblem of the Terran Empire.
Cardassian Union, Central Command
(dark mirror universe)
Terok Nor Emblem of the Cardassian Union.