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Memory Delta Wiki

Ephiny, Queen of the Telaquire Amazons, is a female Human who is a clone of Ephiny. She was the Queen of the Telaquire Amazons during Gabrielle's absence. She was a very close friend of Gabrielle, Typhuss and Xena. She married the Centaur Prince Phantes and bore his child, Xenan. She was a highly skilled Amazon, being depicted as an expert with a sword, staff and hand-to-hand combat.

She was extremely arrogant when she first met Xena, Typhuss and Gabrielle. She didn't like Xena, mainly because she couldn't work her out and didn't fully trust her. She wasn't too fond of Gabrielle, either. This was based on Terreis (whom she was close to) giving her Rite-of-Caste to Gabrielle before dying. Respect for Xena did later blossom when the two worked together to expose Krykus as the true perpetrator of the events. She and Gabrielle grew very close throughout the years; they had nothing but the utmost respect for each other. Gabrielle became emotionally struck when Ephiny was killed, but later avenged her death when she killed Brutus.
