The Escape from Asdad was an event that took place in 2365 during the Federation-Goa'uld War.
After Colonel Jack O'Neill was infected with an Ancient contagion and was implanted with a Tok'ra named Kanan, he disappeared from a Tok'ra base and traveled to Ba'al's fortress on Asdad. He attempted to rescue Ba'al's lo'taur Shallan but was captured by Ba'al's Jaffa after Kanan fled his body. He was revived in a Sarcophagus and questioned by Ba'al. He insisted he did not know why Kanan came to his planet. Ba'al tortured him to death several times and revived him with the Sarcophagus. While in his cell, O'Neill was visited by an ascended Dr. Daniel Jackson who offers him ascension but O'Neill refused and asked him to help him escape but Jackson could not interfere because it was against the rules. Eventually, SG-1 figured out what Kanan was up to, but the outpost was too heavily fortified for an attack. Knowing that he was unable to help directly and that all O'Neill needed was a fighting chance, Jackson planted the idea in Teal'c's mind that if they informed another System Lord about the outpost which Ba'al had kept a secret, they would attack with a Ha'tak and it could be used as a distraction for O'Neill to escape. The SGC informed Lord Yu-huang Shang Ti, asking that he target the power generators first. Yu attacked, knocking out the generators first as asked, allowing O'Neill to escape his anti-gravity cell after Jackson let him know what was happening and overpower the Jaffa guarding him. Following Kanan's last wish, O'Neill took Shallan with him and they managed to escape to Earth in the chaos of the attack. (SG1: "Abyss")
- Stargate SG-1
- Season 6
- "Abyss"
- Season 8
- "Zero Hour" (mentioned)
- Season 6