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The Escape from Olesia was an event that took place in 2380 during the Federation-Wraith War.



For hundreds of years, the Magistrates of Olesia maintain a deal with a Wraith Commander where they stock the island with Olesia's Stargate with prisoners and in exchange, he leaves the rest of the Olesians and their planet alone. However, with the awakening of all the Wraith at once, the Commander decides to share his private food source with other Wraith and brings three Wraith cruisers to Olesia to cull everybody on the island, forcing the Magistrate to arrest innocent people and imprison them on the island to increase the food supply there. This event occurs while the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team have been shot down on the island and are trying to escape. While the team argues with the prisoners, one of the Wraith cruisers heads for the island to cull and Doctor Rodney McKay is unable to get the DHD on the team's Puddle Jumper working in time to dial out. With none of the prisoners weapons or the team's unable to damage the cruiser, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard has Doctor Rodney McKay instead patch enough power for him to fire one of the drone weapons. As the cruiser closes in on the island, Sheppard fires a drone directly into its underside, damaging the cruiser and forcing it to retreat. Detecting the drone firing, a second Puddle Jumper containing a team led by Doctor Elizabeth Weir and Major Evan Lorne inform Sheppard of his success and the fact that two more cruisers are on approach. On Sheppard's command, Lorne dials the Stargate to one of the backup planets to the Pegasus Alpha Site, enabling the prisoners to escape through the Stargate. Once the prisoners are through, Sheppard has Weir dial Starbase Atlantis and he and his team, accompanied by Eldon, race for the Stargate with a second cruiser firing upon them. The team is able to make it through the Stargate unharmed with the cruiser's last shot just barely missing them. With no one on the island to cull, the cruiser turns its attention to the Olesian capital city. (SGA: "Condemned")



  • Stargate Atlantis
    • Season 2
      • "Condemned"