Memory Delta Wiki
A Falchion-class warbird.
Affiliation: Romulan Republic, Romulan Republican Force
Type: Warbird, carrier, dreadnought
Service period: 25th century
Length: 890 meters
Width: 1,350 meters
Crew: 3,000
Armaments: Plasma beams, Plasma cannons, torpedo launchers, plasma torpedoes
Defences: Primary and secondary deflector shields, cloaking device
Auxiliary craft: Scorpion class fighters
A Falchion-class warbird.

The Falchion class warbird was a class of dreadnought fielded by the Romulan Republican Force in the early 25th century.


In 2409 several Romulan Republic Falchion-class vessels were captured by the Tholian Assembly and taken to bases in the Azure Nebula. Allied forces effected a rescue.

Several other Falchion-class warbirds were assigned to Dyson Joint Command to perform various patrol duties in the Solanae Dyson sphere.

Technical data[]

The Falchion-class was a sister design of the Tulwar class warbird, both of which were variants of the infamous Scimitar class. The Falchion-class was more defensively oriented than its relatives and was fitted with redundant deflector shield systems and larger bussard collectors. It possessed a standard Romulan cloaking device, and could be fitted with a thalaron generator, though this was not standard equipment.

Like its sister designs the Falchion-class was also a carrier and could deploy Scorpion class fighters or telepresence drone ships to aid it in battle.
