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Federation headquarters
Station image.
Class: Monac-A class
Type of Facility: Starbase
Space station
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Location: Milky Way Galaxy,
Alpha Quadrant
Constructed: 31st century
Status: Active (32nd century)

The Federation headquarters, also referred to as Fed HQ or simply FHQ and later revealed to be Starbase 1 officially, is the technologically advanced base of operations for both Starfleet, Section 31 and the civilian government of the Federation as of the 32nd century.


Fearing what happened during the Burn could happen on Earth, the Federation decided to move Federation Headquarters elsewhere, and, by 3089, the Federation and Starfleet were no longer on Earth. Shortly afterwards, they combined both resources and Headquarters along with what remained of Section 31.

Sometime in the 32nd century, Gray tal under the directive of his predecessor Admiral Senna tal was en route to FHQ on a generational spaceship alongside Adira Tal.

In 3189, after learning of its coordinates from Adira Tal, the USS Discovery made a spore jump to this HQ to report for duty.

One year later, this starbase had undergone extensive renovations thanks to the luxury of a newly stabilised United Federation of Planets. No longer being cloaked with many new structures attached and far fewer ships stationed there.

During the crisis of the gravitational anomaly, the station hosted a conference with representatives from many worlds both member and non-member alike. Representatives came from all four quadrants of the Milky Way galaxy. The crew of the USS Discovery-A was present.

Technical data[]


The space station was located in the Alpha-Beta quadrant of the Orion arm within the Milky way galaxy, roughly in the middle of a triangle of space encompassing nearly 70 light years inhabited by Earth, Bajor and Ni’Var as well as close to the Tellarite and Andorian homeworlds.


This space station also served as Starfleet Headquarters. Furthermore, the Federation's executive branch and presumably the Federation Council were located here as well. Starfleet was the primary operators of this facility and were responsible for its upkeep, daily operations management and protection.

Although, not massive in size the FHQ technically consisted of everything inside the distortion field. So they can have a briefing in the main hall in the space station, then transport to ship A for training, then ship B for scientific analysis, then ship C for incoming cargo. It becomes essentially a giant city in space. The station itself only functions as a administrative hub. That is until 3190, when it becomes a full fledged starbase headquarters.


Fed HQ

Federation headquarters

Programmable matter was used in the station for creating walkways and doors thus creating a lot of free space and adjustable rooms. The station features a main habitable section with twisting structures enclosing streamers of field generation energy at the station's center. Field generation panels in static positions were placed at a safe distance around the upper habitable section.

As of 3190, the station retained its base appearance but now being far larger with several twisting creamy white silk-like structures attached and a ring around the core. Looking somewhat like a dowsing pendulum. Generator panels spread out in open space responsible for generating its improved deflector shields.

Space station section design[]


Deck layout[]

The habitable section had many decks; three per each level organised through the Greek alphabet. Each level has its own command center coordinated by the main ops in Level alpha (on deck 1). The station's warp core expanded through every level and was able to detach from the other sections allowing each level to accomplish warp speeds.

Level alpha[]
  1. Deck 1 - Holographic star chart, station's dedication plaque, main operations center
  2. Deck 2 - Offices, interrogation rooms
  3. Deck 3 - Sickbay, airlocks
Level beta[]
  1. Deck 4 - Unknown
  2. Deck 5 - Operations center
  3. Deck 6 - Briefing room 1 and 2
Level gamma[]
  1. Deck 7 - Crew quarters, VIP quarters, bathroom plus locker room
  2. Deck 8 - Armory
  3. Deck 9 - Operations center
Level delta[]
  1. Deck 10 - Briefing room 3 and 4
  2. Deck 11 - Unknown
  3. Deck 12 - Operations center
Level epsilon[]
  1. Deck 13 - Unknown
  2. Deck 14 - Operations center
  3. Deck 15 - Unknown
Level zeta[]
  1. Deck 16 - Unknown
  2. Deck 17 - Main engineering
  3. Deck 18 - Operations center
Level theta[]
  1. Deck 19 - Holodeck, emergency sickbay
  2. Deck 20 - Crew quarters
  3. Deck 21 - Operations center
Level iota[]
  1. Deck 22 - Briefing room 5 and 6
  2. Deck 23 - Operations center
  3. Deck 24 -
Level kappa[]
  1. Deck 25 - Operations center
  2. Deck 26 - Unknown
  3. Deck 27 - Unknown
Level lambda[]
  1. Deck 28 - Unknown
  2. Deck 29 - Operations center
  3. Deck 30 - Landing pad/docking bay
Level omicron[]
  1. Deck 31 - Promenade, crew quarters, bathrooms
  2. Deck 32 - Briefing room 7
  3. Deck 33 - Operations center
Level sigma[]
  1. Deck 34 - Unknown
  2. Deck 35 - Operations center
  3. Deck 36 - Unknown
Level tau[]
  1. Deck 37 - Storage bays, operations center
  2. Deck 38 - Crew quarters, bathrooms
  3. Deck 39 - Maintenance bay
Level omega[]
  1. Deck 40 - Operations center
  2. Deck 41 - Multi-deck shuttlebay (floor 1)
  3. Deck 42 - Multi-deck shuttlebay (floor 2)


  • Tractor beam emitter: The station is equipped with one Tractor beam generator that projects a beam of attenuated gravity outward thus allowing the manipulation of an object's trajectory.

Stealth systems[]

It was protected by a special toroidal distortion field to keep its location a secret. Only secured Federation subspace channels can penetrate the field with them appearing as mere CMBR (cosmic microwave background radiation) pings to outsiders. Streams of energy for the field poured out of the poles of the station.

Since the collapse of the Federation's prime enemy AKA the Emerald Chain, it was no longer actively cloaked though it could reconfigure itself to re-engage the field if needed.

Weapon systems[]

Phaser cannons[]

The station is armed with twelve directed energy weapon banks that fire pulsed beams of tetryon plasma discharge at a target that utilise a auto-rotating frequency program to combat enemy adaption.

3190 additions[]

As of a year after the Emerald Chain was defeated, the station had its offensive capacities upgraded so the bulk of the home fleet could be deployed to new areas of importance. The retrofit included thirty torpedo launch banks each capable of launching dozens of plasma torpedoes consecutively with an ultimate storage capacity of 7,000. Four new disruptor strip emitters that fire antiproton beams were also added.

Thus making the headquarters quite formidable against attackers even without guards.

Defensive systems[]

  • Deflector shields: For protection, it employs advanced forcefield armor comprised out of layered energetic distortions infused with graviton waves thus absorbing kinetic impacts and blocking energy discharge. As of 3190, the shields were vastly improved with Ni'varian technology and that of new member races.



The station was also mobile and equipped with a standardised warp drive spread over every deck of the station which are all inter-connected yet easily detached from one another allowing its individual decks to separate as self-sustained lifeboats, also with warp capability.

It's warp drive functions through running highly energised plasma through the unique composition of the warp coils thereby creating a subspace field ie; a discrete bubble of subspace is temporarily merged into normal space around the exterior of the craft. To explain the phenomena, under normal circumstances subspace and normal space do not interact, but the high amount of energy and the unique properties of the warp coils allows a "blending" of the dimensions, surrounding the station in the aforementioned subspace field. By manipulating the way plasma is moved through the warp coils, they alter the nature of the subspace field, such as causing it to move in a specific direction therefore actually accelerating the subspace "bubble" to faster-than-light velocities without violating laws of relativity as the starbase contained within the field is technically stationary albeit rotating.

The maximum speed of the entire station combined is Warp Factor 9.99973523269 which is 87,617.67 times the speed of light or roughly 13.835 light years/per hour. Equal to a Janeway class vessel and 1.9 × 10-7 percent faster than the Worf class, Cuyahoga class, California class and Crossfield class. Individually, each deck is capable of at least Warp Factor 8 which is 1,024 times the speed of light or 1,103 trillion kilometers per hour.


