Memory Delta Wiki

"That bitch stole my boyfriend and seduced him, Laurel made him evil and a criminal, I am going to get Typhuss back no matter how long it takes. Even if it takes six months or a year. Mia needs her father and I need Typhuss."
— Felicity to Dinah Drake

Felicity Megan Smoak is a female Human who is the daughter of Noah Kuttler and Donna Smoak, the ex-girlfriend of Typhuss James Halliwell and the mother of Mia Smoak. Technologically gifted, especially in the field of computer science, Felicity is a member of Team Arrow and the founder/CEO of Smoak Technologies.

Felicity was saddened that her former teammates Laurel Lance and Typhuss betrayed Team Arrow for Ricardo Diaz and Cayden James, Laurel and Typhuss became criminals in Star City, Felicity hoped that Laurel and Typhuss could be turned from their criminal life and she hoped that Typhuss would return to her and Mia.

A year later, Typhuss returned to Felicity after escaping from Laurel and she was reunited with him, after many adventures with each other, the two fell in love again and eventually got married. (Black Siren)
