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Felix Martin
87 duhamel-josh
Felix in the holodeck in 2410
Full name: Felix Mason Martin
Species: 1/2 Human 1/3 Bajoran
Gender: Male
Birthplace: USS Enterprise-E
Born: July 2nd, 2386
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Parents: John Martin
Typhuss James Kira
Kira Nerys
Sibling(s): Kelly Martin,
Sarah Martin
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Starfleet officer
Previous Assignment: Chief conn officer,
USS Excalibur
relief helm officer
USS Voyager
first officer
USS Bativia
assistant tactical officer
USS Intrepid
Assignment: commanding officer
USS Olympia
Rank: Captain
Insignia: Badge insignia. Rank insignia

Felix Martin is a male Human-Bajoran hybrid Starfleet officer who lived during the 24th and 25th centuries. He is the son of John Martin and Kira Nerys. (Star Trek: New Frontier)

Personnel file[]


Early life[]

Felix Martin was born in 2386 to John Martin and Kira Nerys due to a drug that they were infected with by Miranda Tate, Felix had a great childhood and into adult hood Felix wanted to join Starfleet to follow in his half-sister and father's footsteps.

Starfleet career[]

Starfleet Academy[]

In 2405 at the age of 16 he entered Starfleet Academy until his graduation in 2409 and opted to attend a post-graduate command school from 2405 until 2409.

USS Voyager[]

His early years in Starfleet were spent climbing the ladder to senior positions, starting as a junior helmsman aboard the USS Voyager under the command of Rear Admiral Tuvok.

USS Intrepid[]

Upon graduation from command school in 2409 and ending up as the second officer aboard the USS Intrepid by 2409.

USS Bativia[]

He was then transferred to the USS Bativia under the command of Captain Alexander Richardson as his first officer in 2409.

USS Olympia[]

In 2410 he was promoted to the rank of Captain and place in command of the new Leviathan-class starship USS Olympia.

Personal history[]

Starfleet service record[]

location assignment dates rank or rate assignment insignia rank insignia
Starfleet Academy student officer 2405-2409 cadet Assignment badge. Red 2400s
USS Voyager relief helm officer 2409 ensign Assignment badge. Red Ens 2400s
USS Intrepid assistant tactical officer 2409 lieutenant
lieutenant commander
Assignment badge. Yel Lt 2400s
Yel Lcdr 2400s
USS Bativia first officer 2409-2410 commander Assignment badge. Red Cmdr 2400s
USS Olympia commanding officer 2410-present captain Assignment badge. Red Capt 2400s



Background information[]
