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The Full Alert Incident is one of the many incidents that has threatened the security and secrecy of Stargate Command.


After the Stargate was recovered by the Prometheus and The Trust Al'kesh fled to hyperspace, the Trust agents in it attack a few more Goa'uld worlds and are captured by an unknown Goa'uld. They are implanted with Goa'uld's and sent back to Earth to implant the rest of the Trust. (SG1: "Full Alert")


As part of a plan to cause a war to destroy Earth so they can presumably get control of the Antarctic outpost in Antarctica, the Trust use an agent to implant Russian General Miraslov Kiselev with a Goa'uld and also implant former Vice President Robert Kinsey. Stargate Command becomes aware of their plan somewhat due to Kinsey warning Brigadier General Jack O'Neill that the Trust are planning something. Dr. Daniel Jackson travels to Russia to try to figure out what's going on while the Trust send the Goa'uld-Kinsey to pretend to attempt to assassinate Kiselev so the Russians believe the Americans have been compromised by the Goa'uld. While all of this is going on the Prometheus conducts an unsuccessful search for the Trust's Al'kesh. Jackson is detained and checked for a Goa'uld before being shown Kinsey who is now a prisoner. Meanwhile, the Kremlin stops taking calls from President Henry Hayes due to fear he has been turned into a Goa'uld. Working with Russian Colonel Chekov, Colonel Samantha Carter and O'Neill attempt to stop the threat. Carter figures out Kiselev is a Goa'uld and Chekov manages to get O'Neill a direct line to the Russian President Yuri Mikhailov through friends of his in an attempt to convince him of the truth. In Russia, Jackson goes to see Kinsey and as one of the Trust's agents goes to detain him, manages to escape with Kinsey by activating a locator beacon, signaling the Prometheus to beam him on board. In a desperate attempt to destroy the ship, the Trust Al'kesh launches an attack on the Prometheus while its shields are down, doing some damage. Prometheus raises shields and starts to battle the Al'kesh while Kinsey manages to escape and rings to the Al'kesh. In the SGC, Carter, O'Neill and Chekov try to convince Mikhailov of the truth, and while he does hear them out, he's reluctant to believe them even when sent evidence as he's worried they may be compromised as well. They lose the connection just as Kiselev attempts to launch a attack without authorization. On the Al'kesh, Kinsey kills Jennings, the Trust agent piloting it and possibly beams away. The Prometheus shields hold under the onslaught from the Al'kesh at 40% and the ship gets an opportunity to destroy the Al'kesh with Jennings' death as the Al'kesh is defenseless. Colonel Lionel Pendergast, the ship's commander, is reluctant to fire but gives the order when the Al'kesh powers up again. Prometheus fires two toepedoes and destroys the Al'kesh, possibly killing Kinsey. On Earth, it looks like Russia and the US are about to go to war, but the Russian President apparently decides to believe O'Neill and stops Kiselev who is presumably arrested and the situation is defused. (SG1: "Full Alert")


Presumably, Kiselev and the known Trust members in Russia are then freed from their Goa'ulds, although much of the Trust is still infected with Goa'ulds. (SG1: "Full Alert")
