- "There should always be at least one Green Arrow."
- — Oliver Queen to Mia Smoak
Green Arrow refers to several things:
- Characters
- Canon
- For the first Green Arrow of the first generation of Earth-1, see Tom Roberts
- For the first Green Arrow of Earth-1, see Oliver Queen.
- For the second Green Arrow of Earth-1, see John Diggle.
- For the third Green Arrow of Earth-1, see Emiko Adachi.
- For the fourth Green Arrow of Earth-1, see Typhuss James Kira
- For the Green Arrow of an alternate reality, see Barry Allen.
- For the first Green Arrow of Earth-16, see Oliver Queen (Earth-16).
- For the second Green Arrow of Earth-16, see John Diggle, Jr. (Earth-16).
- For the Green Arrow of Earth-D, see Green Arrow (Earth-D).
- For the Green Arrow of Earth-Prime, see Mia Queen.
- Fanon
- For Green Arrow of Earth-50, see Oliver Queen (Earth-50).
- For Green Arrow of Earth-53, see Typhuss James Halliwell (Earth-53)
- For Green Arrow of Earth-56, see Tommy Merlyn (Earth 56).
- For Green Arrow of Earth-66, see Oliver Queen (Earth 66).
- For Green Arrow of Earth-92, see Oliver Queen (Earth 92).
- For Green Arrow of Earth-99, see Typhuss James Halliwell (Earth 99).
Oliver Queen
(Earth 50)
(Earth 50)
Typhuss James Halliwell
Tommy Merlyn
(Earth 56)
(Earth 56)
Oliver Queen
(Earth 66)
(Earth 66)
Oliver Queen
(Earth 92)
(Earth 92)
Typhuss James Halliwell
(Earth 99)
(Earth 99)