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Gwen Martin
Miley Cyrus 2
Gwen Martin in 2370
Full name: Gwen Martin
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 1.65kg
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blond
Homeworld: Earth
Birthplace: San Diego California, Earth
Born: March 23rd, 2351
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Mother: Brianna Martin
Father: Unnamed
Marital Status: Single
Other relatives: John Martin
(uncle; estranged),
Brandon Martin,
(uncle; estranged)
Elizabeth Martin,
James Martin,
(grandfather; estranged),
Maria Martin
(grandmother; estranged)
Previous Assignment: Conn officer,
First officer,
USS Sutherland
Assignment: CO,
USS Challenger,
Rank: Captain
Insignia: Badge insignia. Rank insignia.

Gwen Martin​ is a female Human who lives in the 24th century and services Starfleet and the Federation as commanding officer of the USS Challenger.

​Personnel file[]

  • Serial number: C945-B678
  • Authorization code: Martin Pi Three Three
  • Active rank: Captain
  • Most recent assignment: Commanding officer, USS Challenger (2371-present)
  • Previous assignment: Conn officer, First officer, USS Sutherland (2371)


​Early life[]

Gwen Martin was born in 2351 to Brianna Martin and a unnamed man but he doesn't know about her, she grew up with her mother being there for her a lot along with her grandparents and her aunt and uncles.

During her junior year in high school, many of her classmates were talking about being accepted into Starfleet Academy. Gwen didn't apply, but after graduation, at 16, Gwen became restless and decided to get out into space and see the universe and enlisted in Starfleet.

​Starfleet career[]

​Starfleet Academy[]

Gwen entered Starfleet Academy in 2367 and then Gwen graduated four years later in 2371.

​USS Sutherland[]

Martin's first tour of duty on the USS Sutherland as a ensign, was a great one for her she made a lot of new friends, then she was promoted to lieutenant junior grade and later lieutenant then lieutenant commander. She was later promoted to commander and became first officer.

​USS Challenger[]

On stardate 43951.4, Martin was given command of the USS Challenger by Fleet Admiral Shanthi. She served as captain of the ship for 4 years. The ship served gallantly on the front lines for most of the war. Gwen's battle record as Captain included the battle of Torros III, Operation Return, the first and second battles of Chin'toka, and several minor skirmishes. In the process, she received the Starfleet Medal of Honor. In 2375, during the Second Battle of Chin'toka.

​Personal history[]

Starfleet service record[]

location assignment dates rank or rate assignment insignia rank insignia
Starfleet Academy student officer 2367-2371 cadet Assignment badge. Uniform collar.
Uniform collar.
Uniform collar.
Uniform collar.
USS Sutherland conn officer, first officer 2371 ensign, lieutenant junior grade, lieutenant, lieutenant commander, commander Assignment badge. Uniform collar.
Uniform collar.
Uniform collar.
Uniform collar.
Uniform collar.
USS Challenger commanding officer 2371-present captain Assignment badge. Uniform collar.



​Background information[]
