Memory Delta Wiki
Memory Delta Wiki
Ship image
Affiliation: United Earth, Defense Force
Type: Science cruiser
Service period: 32nd century
Length: 150 meters
Width: N/A
Height: N/A
Mass: 350,000
Decks: 7+
Crew: 80 (standard)
Speed: Warp speed
Impulse speed
Armaments: Phasers
Photon torpedoes
Defences: Deflector shields
Cloaking device
Hansen class

The Hansen class is a technologically advanced type of starship utilised by the Defense Force's science division in the 32nd century.


A Hansen class vessel is used to ferry ambassadors, scientific officers, and a tactical commander to Starfleet Headquarters to discuss the threat of the Iconians and methods to destroy the artificially created primordial wormhole. It was their suggestion to launch a massive armada at the Iconians effectively starting another war with them, however, this time the allied forces vessel's would be equipped with next generation spore drives allowing them to near-instantly travel to their extra-universal planet. They also proposed that Archer spacedock would be the headquarters of building such a large fleet.

Technical data[]


It employed variable geometry pylons, meaning its nacelles moved from a lowered resting position at sublight to a raised position for FTL flight. Similar to the Intrepid class.


The class is equipped with a class 7A warp drive based on the Alcubierre concept which works by compressing space-time around the exterior.

  • It's maximum speed is warp 9.95 while cruising speed is warp factor 7.

It is fitted with a Transwarp drive that uses the navigational deflector in tandem with a tachyon matrix in order to to emit tachyon bursts on a high-energy band. The deflector shield of the ship was used to emit the tachyon bursts into space at the resonant transwarp frequency level. The subspace field of the conduit then formed in front of the ship.

  • The speed is known to be 1,000,000 – 10,000,000 times the speed of light.


The ship possessed a Hyper-impulse drive which was essentially a assembly of augmented fusion rockets, consisting of one or more fusion reactors, a coil assembly, and vectored thrust nozzles to direct the plasma exhaust. The fusion reaction generated a highly energized plasma.

  • It's speed is 75 percent of the speed of light.


The vessel is small, sleek, with long fin-like ridges that "cut like a razor."

Unlike most ships, the cruiser is built to fly through atmosphere as well as space, leading to a design that is more aerodynamic.

Life support[]

  1. Oxygen generators
  2. Inertia dampeners
  3. Gravity plating
  4. Heat shield
  5. Radiation shield


  • Tractor beam generators: The class is equipped with five tractor beam emitters; three forward and two rear. They project beams of attenuated gravity at a target thus allowing the manipulation of its trajectory.

Weapon systems[]


Hansen class ships are armed with four phaser emitter arrays; two running down the aft tail and one on each forward wing. They fire pulsed beams of tetryon-plasma discharge at a target.


It is secondly armed with one torpedo launch bank that shoots out self-propelled torpedoes each equipped with photon warheads. The complement of which is 175.

Defensive systems[]

  • Deflector shields: It boasted a high-capacity shield grid to protect itself from various threats, such as impacts from bolides and debris, various space-related and energetic phenomena and hostile weaponry.

Stealth systems[]

  • Cloak screen: The ship is equipped with a highly advanced cloaking device that was proclaimed "perfect." It emitted no tachyons and left no residual anti-protons, the two ways that a cloaked ship could be tracked and located.


  • The class is named after the 24th century Hansen family - a group of notable Human Federation scientists.