Memory Delta Wiki
Helen Magnus
Helen Magnus (mirror)
Doctor Helen Magnus
Vital statistics
Title Doctor
Chief Scientist and personal Doctor to Empress Sato IV
Gender Female
Race Terran
Faction Sanctuary

Terran Empire
Imperial Starfleet

Status Alive
Location Earth

In an alternate mirror universe Helen Magnus is a female Terran who is a doctor and leader of the Sanctuary. Helen was part of Hoshi Sato IV's plan to remove Kathryn Janeway from the throne and their efforts succeeded in 2384 when Hoshi became Empress. In gratitude, Sato promoted Helen to Chief Scientist and her personal Doctor.


Helen 2350

Helen Magnus in 2350

On one of her expeditions in 2350, she saved a young Typhuss James Halliwell from dangerous thugs who were attacking him.

Twenty years later Magnus appoints an adult Typhuss a Imperial Starfleet officer. Helen became a medical doctor in 2360.

Character and traits[]

Magnus prefers the term lovers rather than boyfriend and girlfriend when dating someone. One issue she was particually touchy about being dismissed as simply a "bureaucrat".


Typhuss James Halliwell[]

Magnus first met Typhuss James Halliwell in 2354 after he married Samantha Carter. But Magnus first met Typhuss four years piror to 2354, when she was eighteen and when he was seventeen. On one of her expeditions in 2350, she saved a young Typhuss James Halliwell from dangerous thugs who were attacking him. After saving his life when he was seventeen Magnus has always looked over Typhuss. She trains him to be commanding officer of the Sanctuary if she gets killed. In 2367 Helen protected Typhuss from his ex-girlfriend Selina Kyle by pointing a gun at her and telling Selina to stay away from Typhuss. Typhuss is so loyal to Helen that he would die for her. Typhuss is an agent of the Sanctuary and one of her friends.
