Memory Delta Wiki
This page details Hikaru Sulu in the mirror universe created by Nero's temporal incursion; for Hikaru Sulu in the primary universe see Hikaru Sulu; for Hikaru Sulu in the alternate reality created by Nero's temporal incursion see Hikaru Sulu (alternate reality); for Hikaru Sulu in the mirror universe of the primary universe see Hikaru Sulu (mirror); for Hikaru Sulu in all other alternate universes see Hikaru Sulu (alternates).

Hikaru Sulu
Sulu (mirror) (alternate reality)
Hikaru Sulu in 2258
Full name: Hikaru Sato Sulu
Known aliases: Suru Heihachiro, Okiri Heihachiro
Species: Terran
Gender: Male
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Homeworld: Earth
Birthplace: Earth
Born: 2237
Affiliation: Terran Empire,
Imperial Starfleet
Mother: Shimizu Hana a.k.a
Kalea Graef Hatoyama-Sulu
Father: Hosato Sulu
Occupation: Helmsman
Previous Assignment: Helmsman,
ISS Enterprise
Rank: Lieutenant
Insignia: Badge image.

In the mirror universe created by Nero's temporal incursion, Hikaru Sulu was a Terran male who lived during the 23rd century, Sulu was the helmsman of the ISS Enterprise in 2258.

ISS Enterprise (alternate reality) personnel
Pavel ChekovJames T. KirkLeonard McCoyMontgomery ScottSpockHikaru SuluNyota Uhura Emblem of the Terran Empire.
see also: • ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) personnel