Alexander Pierce in 2385
The Hobus Conspiracy was a plot by some Starfleet officers to militarize Starfleet in the aftermath of the Hobus crisis in 2387.
To some members of Starfleet, the Federation's response to the crisis was deemed thoroughly ineffective. This, coupled with numerous other threatening events that had happened throughout the Presidency of Nanietta Bacco, led these Starfleet officers to the idea that the Federation was not strong enough to deal with these modern threats.
These officers gathered together and planned a coup d'etat immediately after the Hobus crisis, which gave the conspiracy its name.
This coup, if successful, would militarize the Federation on a drastic scale, as well as cut off diplomatic relations with foreign powers including the Klingon Empire. This would also, as Nicholas Fury called it, effectively turn the Federation into a dictatorship. After the attempted coup failed, it sparked the Federation Civil War.