Memory Delta Wiki
Horizon Weapons System
Apollo's Horizon missile platform deployed
Production information

United Federation of Planets


Space-to-surface missiles

Technical specifications

Multiple explosions

Power source
  • Naquadria
  • Plutonium-239
  • Uranium-235

United Federation of Planets

"It all seems too good to be true."
John Sheppard

Horizon is the code name of a strategic weapons system developed by the Federation.


The system consists of a large, bullet-shaped delivery module containing ten missiles, six with Mark IX tactical warheads and four decoys. The device can be carried in the bomb bay of a 304 like the Apollo. The platform is delivered in stages: in stage one the platform is deployed in low orbit from the bomb bay of a 304, then the main engines fire to propel the weapon through the upper atmosphere. In stage two, once the platform has achieved atmospheric entry the platform has main engine cutoff and the nose cone jettisons from the platform exposing the warheads and decoys, which then fire their engines and their independent guidance systems propel them towards their respective trajectories on the planet's surface.


So far, the system has been used once in combat conditions, by the Apollo in a pre-emptive strike against the Asurans in the Pegasus Galaxy, who were building at least seventeen Aurora-class battleships. The system performed without a hitch, destroying all of the primary and most of the secondary targets identified for the mission. The resulting six multi-gigaton Naquadria-enhanced explosions vaporized an entire continent on Asuras making the Horizon the most powerful weapon ever to be safely deployed by the Federation.
