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Hoshi Sato
Hoshi Sato (clone, 2287)
Hoshi Sato in 2287
Full name: Hoshi Sato
Nickname(s): The Murderess of Klingons
Species: Terran
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Earth
Birthplace: Earth
Died: 2293
Affiliation: Terran Empire
Marital Status: Single
Final Assignment: Empress
Rank: Empress
Insignia: Seal of the Terran Empire.
Office Held: Empress of the Terran Empire

In the alternate mirror universe, Hoshi Sato was a female Terran who was the Empress of the Terran Empire during the mid to late 23rd century. She was a genetically engineered clone of Hoshi Sato I. Sato ruled the Terran Empire from 2287 to 2293. During her reign, she gained the sobriquet "The Murderess of Klingons".


Reign as Empress[]

In 2287, Sato became the Empress after the death of Sarah Sato. In 2289, the Klingon Empire conquered Korvat, an unarmed farming colony less than a lightyear from Klingon space which had previously been located in inviolable Terran territory. The political and military elite of the Klingon Empire met on Korvat to celebrate their victory. During a speech by Kang during which he stated that the Terrans were no longer the able workers which they had once been, the Terran Empire's ambassador Curzon Dax spat at Kang's feet in disgust and decried the manner in which the Klingons were celebrating the "least audacious victory in [their] history" and accused them of having a "miserable empire" before storming out, which earned him Kang's wrath.

In 2293, Sato was killed by a unnamed man and the man became Emperor after her death.

Monarchs of the Terran Empire
by century Icon of the Terran Empire.
21st century George the Second
22nd century Sato I
23rd century Sato ITyphuss James HalliwellSatoSatoUnnamed man
24th century John FrederickSato IISato IIIKathryn JanewaySato IV
24th century
(Parallel timeline)
Annika Hansen