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For the alternate mirror universe counterpart, please see Hoshi Sato III.
Hoshi Sato III
Empress Sato II
Hoshi Sato III in 2277
Full name: Hoshi Sato III
Species: Terran
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Earth
Born: 2248
Died: 2277
Affiliation: Terran Empire
Marital Status: Single
Assignment: Empress
Rank: Empress
Insignia: Seal of the Terran Empire.
Office Held: Empress of the Terran Empire

In the mirror universe, Hoshi Sato III (2248-2277) was a female Terran who was the Empress of the Terran Empire, and the last of the Sato Dynasty. Like her predecessor Hoshi Sato II, she was a clone of Hoshi Sato I. She reigned from 2267 to 2277, at which time she was killed and usurped by Spock then seized the Imperial throne for himself. (TOS - Mirror Universe novel: The Sorrows of Empire)

The Vulcan T'Lara owned holovids of Sato's death, and showed them to Keiko Ishikawa prior to 2375. Keiko's lover Miles "Smiley" O'Brien, the leader of the Terran Rebellion, was sceptical of her claims that Spock had usurped the throne by making the Empress vanish into thin air. (DS9 - Mirror Universe novella: Saturn's Children)

Monarchs of the Terran Empire
by century Icon of the Terran Empire.
Various dates Sherman
20th century Adolf HitlerPol PotOswaldJimmy CarterHenry Starling
21st century George the Second
22nd century Sato I
23rd century Sato IIStephane LouvinPhilippa GeorgiouAlexanderSato IIISpockGarth of IzarJohn GillHarry MuddKodosAlex DanaherJohn CrayAndrovar DrakeTiberius the First
24th century Gregory QuinnWilliam T. Riker