Memory Delta Wiki

"...Now, something happened—where is it—back on Earth. A rebellion or uprising, and the Stargate was buried there."
Daniel Jackson on the Earth rebellion

The Human Rebellion was an uprising of the Humans against the Supreme System Lord Ra that took place on Earth approximately 2995 BC.



Sometime during Supreme System Lord Ra's domain of the planet Earth, the Ancient Humans would lead a rebellion against Ra and his forces. With the help of Dr. Daniel Jackson from an alternate timeline and the rest of SG-1 from a second alternate timeline where Ra takes the Stargate upon leaving Earth and the Stargate Program never forming, the Tau'ri in Egypt rebel against Ra, and Earth is freed from Goa'uld oppression. (SG1: "Moebius, Part 2")


This would result in Ra leaving Earth and the Ancient Egyptians burying the Alpha Gate where it would stay buried until 1928 when Professor Paul Langford led an expedition that unbury the Stargate. (Stargate)

Alternate timelines[]

  • In an alternate timeline, SG-1 would travel back in time to steal a Zero Point Module from Ra. They succeed, but are trapped in that time period. They attempt to start a rebellion against Ra, which fails and results in all of them killed, except for Dr. Daniel Jackson. (SG1: "Moebius, Part 2")


  • Stargate SG-1
    • Season 8
      • "Moebius, Part 1" (mentioned)
      • "Moebius, Part 2"
  • Stargate (flashback)